Chapter 22. the hunter

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*same outfit as last chapter*

Ambrosias POV

I gulped gently as I climbed out of the cab the cold night air blowing through my hair, I gently put my hand in the front pocket of my jeans feeling the pepper spray papa had given me which gave me the tiniest boost of confidence before I felt bella gently grab my hand as we looked up at the dance studio infront of us, 'Lets go save mama,' I thought to myself as I pushed the door open to the dance studio. 

"Mama," I called not getting a response but hearing something shift,  

"Mom!" I heard my sister yell from beside me as I looked around in a panic, 

"MAMA!" I screamed my eyes scanning around for my mother's fiery red hair 

'Bella, amber, where are you' I heard mama say making me take off in the direction I heard my mother's voice coming from bella right behind me, I felt worry pool in my stomach, anxiety making my fingers twitch but I chose to ignore it as I pulled the mahogany doors open this time the hold handles feeling cold in my hands. 

Only to realize we had made a grave mistake coming here, infront of us was a recording, a vhs tape, we had played right into his hand, 

"That's my favorite part," a voice said making chills go down my spine as I looked back at him seeing him sadistically shake his head.

 I looked back at my sister giving her my famous 'im about to do something stupid but you have to listen to whatever I say as I'm the oldest' look making her sigh softly but nod as she shook in my grasp, I looked back at the monster infront of me his red eyes boring into mine making me feel like puking and passing out at the same time, I maintained eye contact slowly pulling the pepper spray papa gave me out of my back pocket, 

"You never had her in there first place," I said and he smirked at me, 

"Thankfully mommy wasn't home when I arrived at your house in Phoenix," he replied and I felt bella shift from behind me as she watched him begin to circle us, 

"You know getting you here was easier than I thought, I didn't think your mates parents would let you out of their sight," he said as he stalked forward while I made sure my pepper spray was ready, 

"Thomas is not my sister's mate...they are best friends and my mates wanted to be here trust me...but they had you following them long enough for Carlisle and esme to get me as far away from you as possible so who is really the dumb one," I said with a small smirk watching as he growled and got closer. I slowly released bella's hand, glancing at her with a look that said, 'when I do what I do run and don't look back', she nodded at me,

 "I wonder..have you bonded with them yet.." he asked me smirking, I scoffed slightly making his smirk widen, "Ah so you have..that means they feel everything you feel.. correct" he said getting in my face and that was when I struck spraying the pepper spray in his eyes as bella made a run for it me behind her, I heard a growl making me push my sister toward the door as I got thrown back, I heard glass shatter as I hit a mirror, tears stung my eyes as pain registered in my body, I heard a scream making me turn to see bella in the same predicament as I was. 

"Get away...from her.." I gasped out feeling glass shifting in my side, I watched as his eyes darted to me, a darkness falling over his face that made him all the more terrifying, I watched as he stood from his crouching position in front of my sister to stalk over to me like he had the higher ground, I pushed myself up from the floor weakly my back hitting the pillar that was once a mirror as I tried to back away from him.

He laughed softly and crouched down infront of me, "it's too late to be afraid now... pepper spraying someone isn't very nice," he said sarcastically and I found confidence surge through me as I spit right in his face, blood and saliva mixing together to splatter on his cheek, he growled and wiped his face with the back of his hand before his eyes met mine, 

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