Chapter 20. Running

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*Same outfit as last chapter*

Ambrosia's POV

I watched as bella stomped up the stairs into the house Thomas traili behind her pleading to her, I let myself get emotional shaking my head at Jasper as he tried to pull me to him to which I immediately pulled away from him letting tears stream down my face as I ran into the house, "Amber!" Jasper called after me as I slammed the door running up the stairs past bellas door which was closed tightly as papa knocked on it trying to talk to her before his eyes landed on me, 

"Amber angel what happened," he asked and I shook my head more tears pouring down my cheeks as I ignored my father racing up to my room seeing Jasper already packing one of my huge duffle bags. 

I closed the hatch to the attic quickly, "Angel!" My father yelled after me and I felt my heart throb tears leaking that wouldn't stop as I walked to help Jasper putting a pair of my sneakers in the bag as he stuffed in clothing before I walked towards my desk grabbing my journal, my sketch book and some art supplies, once I had placed that in the bag along with an extra phone charger and my laptop and it's charger, Jasper zipped the bag closed, giving me a small smile trying to make me feel better. I gave him a forced one back as I heard bells yell for me, "Ambs, come on," 

I quickly walked to the hatch to my room pulling it open and descending back into the house hearing bella and papa argue downstairs before the door slammed, I walked downstairs quickly letting my shoulders shake and the sobs I had held rake through me. 

"Amber baby, are you leaving me too," he asked brokenly and I nodded my head looking at him as I cried,  I latched myself onto my father his hand meeting the back of my head as I cried, " I'm sorry Papa it's all my fault," I sobbed and he shushed me as I pulled away from him placing a kiss on his cheek.

 I gave him a weak smile and made my way out of the house to bells who was in uncle Billy's truck trying not to break down. I climbed into the passenger side having enough time to click in my seatbelt as bella quickly sped off towards the Cullen's house letting herself cry softly as she held my hand in hers, I pulled my knees to my chest holding my sister's hand tightly, letting my emotions take over completely, I cried and cried, I wanted to be strong for my sister but how could I, I had just hurt the man that had been there for me and took care of me since I was a baby. 

"Scoot over," I heard Thomas say from Bella's side and I felt my sister move closer to me, I took a deep breath, trying to gather myself as I heard a bang as someone landed in the bed of the truck making me jump, "It's just Emmett and Jasper," Thomas said and I nodded gently wiping my face with my sleeve, my sobs reduced to small sniffles here or there. 

The drive to the Cullen's home was tense the air so thick that you could cut it with a butter knife, bella and I never let go of each other's hands to scared that we would loose one another, my leg bounced up and down both guilt and worry pulling in my stomach, upon pulling up to the Cullen's house I looked at bells who nodded before we got out of the car together, Jasper and Thomas immediately at our sides with Emmett behind us. 

I was suddenly behind Jasper and Emmett hearing them growl before I heard his voice, "I come in peace," Laurent said and Carlisle was at his side, 

" He here to warn us about James," Carlisle said softly de-escalating the situation,

 "James, he's nothing like I have ever seen, and the girl Victoria she isn't one to look past ," he warned and I looked down as I heard him walk past us, 

"Thank you Laurent," I said softly hearing his steps falter momentarily at my thanks before he sped off and Bella and I were lead to the garage where the rest of my mates were waiting and packing.

 "I've fought our kind before their hard to kill but not I'm possible we have to--," Edward started and I gently held my hand up stopping him, I shook my head, "Please don't tell me how you'll kill him, I don't like the thought of any creature suffering even someone as evil and vile as James," I told him honestly gently wrapping my arms around myself.

 "What if he kills one of us first?" Rose asked quietly and I felt tears gather in my eyes and bile rise up my throat at just the thought, 

"It won't come to that," Carlisle said as Jasper gently rubbed my back trying to make me feel better, 

"Alright Emmett and I are gonna run the girls south," Jasper said and Carlisle shook his head, "He knows that none of you would ever leave them," he said and I nodded in agreement, 

"He's right, he know that you guys are my mates and he knows that Thomas has a connection to bella," I replied running my hands through my hair before I felt hands gently rest on my arms making me look up to see Esme looking at me with a small smile, 

"Carlisle and I will take them," she said and I nodded softly offering her a small smile in return.

 I watched as Edward went through bella and is bags handing my oversized hoodie to Rosa and Bella's jumper to Alice, 

"put these on so the tracker can pick up their scents," he said as Esme lead bells to the car we were taking, I watched as both of them complied but I had this sinking feeling in my gut, 'this may be the last time I see them' I thought and I felt my eyes sting with tears yet again. 

I took a small breath and looked at my mates, "Promise you'll come back to me," I whispered softly seeing them all stop what they were doing to turn to me, "I just found you, you have to come back to me," I continued watching as em walked towards me his hands meeting the side of my neck as his lips met mine. 

I gently placed my hands on his wrists and kissed him back a singular tear running down my face, once we pulled away from my lips his forehead rested against my head, "We'll come back to you, every single one of us, we'll come back," he promised me and I nodded softly as he pulled away from me only for Ali to take his place, her arms wrapping around my shoulders as she pulled me into a kiss, 

"This isn't good bye, we still have forever to go," she said when we pulled away from one another and I gently placed my lips back to hers giving her a swift peck before I was pulled into Edward's arms, his lips met mine gently his arms wrapped tightly around my waist with mine wrapped around his shoulders.

 "There's still so much we have to tell you, we aren't going anywhere," he said softly and I nodded at him before we pulled away from each other, and Rosa took his place, she gently placed her hands on either side of my neck giving me a small smile, "we'll always come back to you, you're our home," she whispered softly 

"And you're mine...," I whispered back before she pressed her lips to mine. 

 When she pulled away from me reluctantly, jasper stood infront of me his eyes dark like I had never seen yet it didn't scare gave me a sense of security...a silent promise that they would return before he pulled me to his chest his lips finding mine softly. 

"Amber honey.. it's time to go," esme said softly after Jasper and I pulled away from one another, I closed my eyes softly tears I had been holding slipping out of my eyes as I nodded my head allowing the motherly vampire to lead me to the car with my sister. 

Once esme had gotten me situated she left me to go get in the passenger seat next to Carlisle while bella said her last good bye to Thomas them doing their handshake as I looked back at my mates again their words playing in my head on a loop, I gave them a watery smile as I heard Bella's window close and the car be put into drive.

 I watched as esme and Carlisle laced hands obviously worried for their children as I felt bells lace her hand with mine causing me to look over at her, I saw her sadly looking at me making me shake my head as I pulled her to my side, I wouldn't let anything happen to her, 'My sister my responsibility,' I thought as I looked out the windshield watching as the night became a little bit quieter...and that quiet was absolutely agonizing.

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