Chapter 4- The Murder of Crows

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Hinata Shoyo stares at the large alpha infront of him while trembling. Although the large alpha was providing him comfort, he can't help himself from being imitated by the cold stare coming from the other. Luckily Ushiwaka stopped staring and instead turned his head to face the two contenders from Aoba Josai.

"Oikawa, you should've come to Shiratorizawa." He said and Hinata stared at the two woth a confused expression. He looked at Oikawa who only smiles before answering.

"I have no plans on going to Shiratorizawa, I'm good with my team." He said confidently and the alpha beside him nods with the same expression.

"Anyways, I'm pretty sure that we'll win anyways." Ushijima shot back expressionless earning both the players glare. Hinata on the other side inhales and tried to cut through the declaration infront of him.

"Karasuno won't lose!" He declared and by that, all glares shifted towards him and he took a step back as he got scared once m aore from both parties. He might've stepped to far as he bumped with another player, Aone from date tech and again, the loop continues. Oikawa and his partner already left laving him with Ushijima and Aone. Aone bowed to him and he returned the gesture. Aone pats his fluffy hair and escaped the scene.

He turned aroud seeing a vicious aura coming from Ushiwaka. Ushiwaka was glaring daggers on Aone's back and he swore he heared him growl. Hinata took this chance to escape the scene as well heading back to his team.

"Boke, Hinata boke! Where were you earlier? Did you lost yourself again dumbass?" Kageyama asked with a annoyed expression.

"The king was concerned for the chibi huh?" Tsukishima joins in to mock Kageyama. He swore that everytime they were together, Tsukishima appears anywhere and insults someone.

"Don't call me that Tsukishima!" Kageyama argues and both growls at each other but later on cutted when the pack leader walkes in the center.

"Shut up you idiots!" And by that. The three of us is silenced. For now.

After the practice, they were all asked to gather to have a game discussion. Coach gave them an analysis paper made by both their managers.

"In this game, our tougher opponents would be Aoba Josai and Shiratorizawa." Coach explained to them and Hinata remembers tge cold glare fron the alpha. Even though it's only on his head, he could still feel shivers from it.

Though he admit that He has a nice body and handsome face. He's super huge that he felt jealous of his height. How he wishes to be tall just like others.

The other think that he remembers was the scene earlier. He asked himself why did he felt protected by Ushiwaka's scent like he was used to inhaling his scent a long time ago. He also questions the way Ushiwaka reacts towards Aone. Do they have, like a battle of the scariest alpha before that Ushiwaka lost?

"Hinata focus, this is important so please." Said their coach snapping Hinata out of his thoughts. He focuses on the strategy they're making and what should he do for it to be effective. Well it's  going to be a long week.

A one hell of a week.


Hinata and his team moved successfully in every game. He made more enemies on the court, have a lot of friends as well and most importantly he'd get to spike a lot and play volleyball. His nervousness lessens but his experiences expands. He's like an empty book being filled with thousands of words everyday.

Their next game was about to begin in a week. Lucky enough that Hinata's heat ends before their fight starts. He's currently experiencing pre-heat activities such as constant heating and body cramps.

Right now, hes preparing on making his nest for Tomorrow. He also messaged his Captain that he won't be able to go for training for a period of time because of his heat. He admits it's  a great loss if he skipped training for a day but they all know it's urgent so they allowed it.

After preparing the nest, he walked to the kitchen greeting his mom and Natsuo. Picked up some sood and happily yelled itadaimasu.

"Shoyo, your father is coming back home next week on Tuesday. I'd like you to help me prepare to welcome him home, is that ok?" Said Hinata's mother and Hinata's eyes sparkles in interest and nods rapidly almost close to making himself dizzy. He missed his dad so much that he even had his father's gift for him beside the bed.  He admits, both of them are quite close. His father was one of the few people who told him to follow his dreams which is volleyball and his father was the one who sponsored him for all his needs.

"Anyways, did you finish preparing for your heat tomorrow Shoyo?" Asked his mother.

"Uhm, I still need to buy scent blockers since my supply ran out early." Hinata explains with a smile.

"You better go why it's early. You never know, your heat may start early." Said his mom with a serious tone.

"Yes mom. Natsuo, leave me some meat buns!" He said before putting his Karasuno jacket on.

"No promises!" Came a reply from the kitchen and he groans riding his bike with a fass pace. He can't just leave his little sister with his meat buns. He successfully bought everything that he need for the week. He grabbed his bike and move away to pedal but he was stopped on his track when a drunk man approaches him.

"Hmn omega? Want me to assist you home eh?" Said the drunk alpha. "Hmm yum. Your scent smells so good. Are you going to have heat? Wanna share with me?" The guy added with a purr.

"No thanks sir. I need to go." He simply said preparing his bike to leave but the held him And pulled him to a corner before pinning him in a wall. The drunk guy tried to press his body on the omega so Hinata tried his best to push the person pinning him. He tried to yell help but the man puts his hand on his mouth suppressing any sound going out of his mouth.

"Shh shh, omega. Try to be good for me okay?" The alpha whispered in his ear palming his but. He winced and kicked the man but it wasn't strong enough.

"My, my , no need to be feisty."

"HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Came a growl from across the street. suddenly, a loud sound echoed around the whole alley. In a second, he found the man lying unconscious on the floor beside him. He thanked the mysterious man but he was caught off guard when his savior scented him without permission. The scent was somewhat familiar to him that he didn't bother stopping the man who saved him from whatever he was doing.

"F-fuck!" He hearned him mutteir before moving away. By his surprise, he saw Ushiwaka in a very angry face.

"Just go home Hinata and never get yourself in trouble again." Ushiwaka growls and he gulps before riding his bike. He tried to wave goodbye or say thank you but he was alone with the unconscious man again. His savior vanished, leaving him alone in the street. Well it's  almost night so he paddled away and git home, unable to say something as he sobbed his way home.
Note: idk what i was writting since i was asked to buy something everyhour so i wrote this without thinking. I'm  so sorry everyone. Anyways I'd still rewrite this so everyone could understand my fic.

Also idk why i got #58 in ushihina fic even though i barely have readers and this fic didn't even get a single vote so it confused me up. It's sad that other fic with greater content was left in lower spot because of this draft-like fic.

Although I'm still grateful that i got readers in this fic. I actually expect no one to read this since i started writing story in wattpad since april 25.

Anyways sorry for the typos and grammar. I promise I'll be better next time. Byeee

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