Chapter 8 ~ Ice

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I am not dead! I apologize for not updating in such a long time but here is an update. Honestly, I am not sure if people are even still reading this. But in the off chance that some are still hoping for an update regardless, I present you this. Please enjoy.

Do leave me comments of your thoughts about this, I really do appreciate them.


Y/n and her sister were released from the infirmary by Otou-san soon after. Y/n ushered her sister to her dorm to sleep before she went for some fresh air. And maybe also clear her head. Once outside, she took a deep breath and sighed, walking over to the gardens and settling down at the base of the nearest tree.

She closed her eyes, relishing in the calm night atmosphere. She always enjoyed nighttime at Cross Academy, especially quiet nights such as this where there are no stray Day Class girls or screaming or yelling or disobedient Night Class students. A smile appeared on her lips as she felt the cool night breeze caress her face and gently ruffle her hair. The nighttime air also fills her lungs with fresh and cool air, contrasting the usually humid air during the day. Crickets are chirping softly from the bushes and grass and treetops, creating music. And Y/n would have enjoyed the tranquil moment more if only her mind isn't plagued with thoughts of what just happened.

Otou-san said Zero and his family were attacked four years ago, didn't he? That means that Zero was a vampire the entire time she and Yuki knew him. She was quite impressed, actually, that he managed to suppress his bloodlust for so long and remain sane. However, she couldn't help but feel sorrowful for him. Who knows what has been going through his mind all these years? She briefly wondered why he didn't tell her or Yuki and wondered if it was because he was afraid they would fear him.

It was no secret that Yuki and herself were attacked by those Level E vampires when they were children. And if they were to speak technicalities, Zero was a Level E vampire - a completely sane one, however. But how long he would manage to maintain complete compos mentis, she does not know.

A sigh escaped her lips.

She wished he had more trust toward her because she was sure as hell that she will not push him away. She was not shallow, only looking at the superficial aspect of things. She could've helped him, damn it.

She sighed and flopped onto the ground.

Oh, how turbulent her thoughts have become.


After spending a couple of minutes outside to enjoy the nighttime breeze, she went back inside the school. Wandering. Her mind began to wander as well, her thoughts returning to what had transpired over the last few hours. Her legs brought her around the building before she found herself walking down the hallway where the Headmaster's office was. Her steps slowed down when she saw the doors to his office were open, just a sliver, allowing its warm light into the hallway. Voices could be heard - Otou-san and Kaname-san.

The voices became louder as she neared the door.

"How much longer do you intend to keep him in the Day Class?" she heard Kaname ask.

In turn, the Headmaster sighed. "But no student has ever transferred from the Day Class to the Night Class before."

"There is no need for a precedent," Kaname cut in. "You have to transfer Kiryuu to the Night Class; there is no other way."

Hearing that, Y/n's eyes widened a fraction.

Zero is going to be transferred to the Night Class?

Without much thought, she turned and walked away from the office. Given how her steps echoed in the hallway, she had no doubt that Kaname had heard her eavesdropping. However, that was a problem for another day. For now, she was going to find Zero for she was willing to bet that he was currently consumed with guilt.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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