chapter 5

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"Nee-chan, do you think Zero is hiding something?"

You glanced at your sister and sighed, planting your eyes on the male watching the vampires.

"I don't know, Yuki. I really don't know..."

Your POV

"You know, Yuki, Kaname seems to know what that something is."

Yuki stared up at my face for a moment before she shook her head, "Maybe you are just over-analysing things, Nee-chan."

You released a sigh and nodded at your sister. However, you just know that Zero is hiding something. You just have to find out what.

~Timeskip to nighttime, at Headmaster's house~

You were sitting on the kitchen counter, deep in thought with your chocolate cookbook lying beside you. You were wondering if you should give out chocolates tomorrow.

"Hmm... Should I? Maybe I should.'s FOOD. I love my food. So, maybe I shouldn't. But, St. Xocolatl's Day does only come once a year. Still, is it worth sharing my food? Maybe I should... since I haven't given Headmaster and Zero anything yet. Fine, I'll share my food just this once. Tsk, all those wonderful chocolates that could've been mine, gone on one measly day."

You hopped down and reluctantly snatched up a random apron from a drawer in the kitchen, cringing when you saw it. It looks like a dress with a black background and white polka-dots. It has a white ribbon tied around the waist and the apron flares out from the waist.

"What the actual HELL?! It looks like a f***ing dress! Oh, hell naw. I'm not wearing that shit." You complained, throwing the apron to the corner of the kitchen.

You went over to the same drawer, rummaging the things inside to try and find another apron. You soon pulled another one out and quickly dropped it the moment you saw it. You kicked it harshly out of the kitchen door and shuddered. Why the hell would Otou-san have THAT?! You knew that he has a questionable fashion sense but this is too much. So, with a huff, you reluctantly walked over to the first apron, the decent one that you threw, and pulled it on. Once you're done tying the strings, you pulled out a hair tie and tied up your hair that was let down to dry up in a high ponytail.

(First apron:

The second apron:

Opening your cookbook to the page that you want, you walked around the kitchen to get all the required ingredients and utensils before getting to work. As you were working, you were complaining about all the food that you lost. And whilst you were doing that, a certain silver-haired male stood behind the wall, listening to you.

"Tsk, those shitheads better appreciate my gift. I'm wasting this much chocolate for nothing. Hmph. I regret making these for them already. But I'm halfway through so I might as well finish it. How troublesome. I'm so not doing this next year, or the next, I'm not doing this EVER AGAIN! Tsk, look at all the effort I am wasting! They better like it, otherwise, I'm taking them back and I'll eat everything myself! Why did I even take the time to make something special for each of them?! Damn it! Wait, I'll just give some of them normal chocolate because I'm lazy! How troublesome. Damn you, St. Xocolatl's Day! Tsk, why did Otou-san even have this damn event."

Zero took a peek inside the kitchen and silently chuckled to himself when he saw you complaining aloud, waving the wooden spoon that is currently in your grasp around and making some chocolate splatter on your face. He honestly thought you looked nice wearing that apron whilst he wondered what that questionable frilly lump of cloth was near the doorway of the kitchen. You were not aware of Zero watching because you were busy ranting to yourself and it amuses him how much different you could be when you are alone. After watching you for another moment or two, Zero walked away, his face dark as he thought of who you might be giving chocolates to. However, it just never crossed his mind about the possibility that he himself is a candidate.

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