St. Xocolatl's Day Special

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A/N: Yes, hello. I am not dead. I apologize for being inactive for literal years. I tried to continue this story over the years, I really did, but my brain decides that I should be inspired to write other stories other than the ones I have published. So now I have a shit ton amount of unpublished stories from various anime, each only a few chapters long. Anyways, I had this special chapter for nearly a year but only managed to finish it now. I hope you lot enjoy this.

Oh, yeah. I edited the first six chapters so if they seem different, yeah. They are edited.


It is still bright and early in Cross Academy. A nice and fine Saturday, just a couple of days after St. Xocolatl's Day. (Y/n) hummed under her breath as she moved around the kitchen, the counters surrounding her messy as fuck.

So, what exactly is (Y/n) doing?

Well, she is currently in the Headmaster's house, overtaking his kitchen early in the morning as she planned to whip up a chocolate cake. (Y/n) promised Otou-san a cake so she is gonna give him one. Of course, reluctance is still there as she still isn't keen on sharing food.

"Otou-san did raise me. Well, I guess I'll share if it's Otou-san and the others," the (h/c)-ette thought out loud as she stirred the cake's batter.




"Thank you for sharing your food, Y/n-chan!"


The Headmaster laughed sheepishly, letting go of his daughter's form and rubbed the back of his head. There, right in the middle of the kitchen floor, Headmaster Kaien Cross is sprawled on top of an increasingly pissed off (Y/n). Anyone who sees them out of context would definitely get the wrong idea.

And as fate would have it, Zero walked into the kitchen, bed hair prominent and pyjamas consisting of sweatpants and a t-shirt still on his body.

"...I don't even want to know," Zero muttered as his eyes landed on the two people who just started to get up from the floor. He turned around and walked out of the kitchen without a second thought, cursing under his breath, "I just want to get some breakfast. Is that so fucking wrong? What the fuck is wrong with everyone here..."

His voice trailed out as he moved further away from the kitchen, probably off to the dorms to get some food.

Back in the kitchen, Y/n is dusting herself off after she got up from the floor. She sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of her nose when the cake batter she had made ended up being spilt on the floor. With an irritated expression decorating her face, she turned to the Headmaster.

"Headmaster, could you kindly leave the kitchen? I really need to make another cake batter."

The Headmaster was unaffected from Y/n's glare and just skipped out of the kitchen, replying with a cheerful 'alright'.

A small sigh of relief escaped from Y/n as she went to work on the second batch of batter. When the sound of glass objects breaking mixed with the sound of two of her daily companions reached her ears after a couple of minutes, she sighed. Zero then walked into the kitchen asking for a broom and a mop.

So, long story short, Zero was bringing a tray of food from his dorm and Y/n's beloved (read: annoying) sister crashed to him and spilt the contents of what was supposed to be his breakfast.

Y/n sighed and set down the bowl she is holding to direct Zero to the broom. She went back to the kitchen counter and picked up the bowl again, only for it to get knocked down by her sister.

Yuki had run into the kitchen to help clean up the mess she made only for her to bump to her sister. Down the second batch of batter goes. Y/n is fuming. After tossing a wet rag, a mop, and a broom at the two, she promptly threw them out of the kitchen.

Problem after problem came that whole day and Y/n's patience is getting lower and lower as people stepped into the kitchen again and again. It took many, many tries but she managed to finish a whole chocolate cake. Beautifully. And, well, let's just say she is never doing this again.

Zero, Yuki, and the Headmaster went to the kitchen that evening to check on her but they only found a clean kitchen and a beautiful chocolate cake on the counter. Near the cake is a note with Y/n's handwriting. It says:

Dear people of this house,

You better eat and appreciate this cake

because I am not making any next year.

Or the year after.

Or ever.

You people are so troublesome that I have to remake the batter at least 3 times.


- Y/n

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