Chapter 7 _ Level E Vampires

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Zero walked out of Cross Academy with (Y/n) and Yuki hot on his heels. (Y/n) soon took over Yuki and stopped by the arch that leads to the outside of the school grounds.

"Zero, wait! You shouldn't leave school grounds without permission!" Yuki exclaimed, calling out to Zero when she finally reached the arch.

"Yuki, go to the Hea-! Why the fuck is she always like this..."

Yuki had mindlessly run after Zero when the male completely ignored her. (Y/n) immediately sprinted after her dumbass sister, knowing perfectly well she's gonna get herself killed. That girl really is stupid, after all.


(Y/n) caught up to Yuki easily since the younger girl is not very much athletic.

"I've lost sight of Zero," Yuki muttered to her sister, yelping when the older girl suddenly karate-chopped her head.

"You idiot! Don't run off like that!" (Y/n) scolded, pulling the younger girl by her wrist.

"Sorry, Nee-chan," Yuki apologized, a small sheepish smile on her face as she rubbed the top of her head.

(Y/n) stopped walking and turned to look at Yuki in the eyes.

"I want you to walk behind me, alright? Do not let go of my hand or stray away from me. And tell me when someone is approaching us from behind. Understand?" the older girl said sternly, her eyes sharp as she looked at her sister.

Yuki let out a meek 'yes' and grabbed (Y/n)'s left hand as they began their search for Zero.

The reason why (Y/n) had told Yuki to do those things is that she is aware of what creatures lurk in the town. Those that become more active after sundown.


After running around town for nearly an hour, Yuki and (Y/n) ran down an empty street. Not long after, Yuki bumped against a woman wearing all white. The girl then apologized profusely and ran again, not even look at the woman's face. That was a big mistake. So was leaving her sister behind.

On the contrary, (Y/n) got a good look at the woman and narrowed her eyes when she realized just what that woman is. She waited until the woman walked away from her and then sprinted forward. (Y/n) got her guard up when she ran after her sister, her hands quickly yet discreetly moving closer to her weapons when she noticed it nearing sunset.

After a few minutes of running, (Y/n) came across her sister running after a little boy while holding a red balloon. That boy gave her a bad feeling so she quickly broke into a sprint again, going after Yuki.

"Yuki! Stop running!" (Y/n) yelled, speeding up to catch up with her sister. The brunette muttered profanities under her breath when her sister just ignored her completely and continued running after the boy.

When they reached a deserted part of the town, (Y/n) immediately knew what happened. The boy was a bait to get her sister to that location.

(Y/n) pulled Yuki back when they reached a dead end, the boy standing with his back against them just a bit up front. In front of the boy as a fountain, those that are shaped like a semicircle and are stuck against a wall.

"Yuki, we have to go back," (Y/n) whispered, her eyes darting around as her right hand got hold of one of the Twins. "This is a trap."

"But I want to return that kid his balloon," Yuki complained, stubbornly walking forward with her hand holding out the balloon.

(Y/n) felt a presence behind her and her eyes widened when she saw the woman they saw earlier.

The Level E vampire.

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