Chapter 4 ~ Pre St. Xocolatl's Day

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Your POV

You were already annoyed and you had just stepped out of your dorm. You could hear every single Day Class girl chattering to their friend(s) about chocolates for St. Xocolatl's Day, which is tomorrow, and to who they are going to give it to. So, basically, St. Xocolatl's Day is another way of saying Valentines Day. On that day, the Day Class students, mostly girls, give chocolates to the Night Class students and hoped to be asked out to the St. Xocolatl's Day Ball usually held in the evening. You flat out dislike St. Xocolatl's Day because that is when students get way out of hand. They become more reckless and that means more work for you and the other two guardians. As you were walking to class, you were contemplating on whether you should give some chocolates too.

Meanwhile, in class, your sister is already seated and is talking with Sayori.

"Everyone is getting pretty impatient, don't you think?" Sayori commented as she heard a group of girls squeal.

"Well, tomorrow is St. Xocolatl's Day, and it does only come once a year," Yuki replied, turning around when the Class President suddenly popped up and spoke.

"Female students give chocolates to male students and confess their feelings. How ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous! It is a shameful practice for this divine school! I am completely against this event!" the Class President stated, walking towards the back of the class.

"Maybe the Class President will receive some too," Sayori mumbled to Yuki, making the Class President stop and imagine Ruka give him a box of chocolates.

"Ruka-san~"He exclaims as a blush formed on his cheeks.

Sayori rolled her eyes and said, "She will definitely not do whatever the heck you were thinking."

The Class President stopped and deflated before brightening when he imagined yet another beauty giving him chocolates.


Yuki shook her head sympathetically as she said, "Onee-chan will most probably behead you if she heard you say that."

The Class President paled when the thought settled and froze when he heard someone speak.

"Hear what?"

You had stepped inside the classroom and is now heading toward your seat beside Yuki. You frowned in confusion when the Class President just stammered and turned red, speeding away towards his seat. You shrugged and sat down, placing your bag on the floor. You stretched out your arms and sighed when you heard the Day Class boys complain about how they won't be getting anything because of the Night Class males, which is probably true. Like you said, the girls go an extra mile just so they can perhaps be noticed by their favorite Night Class senpai which is very unlikely because they will be busy thinking of you... Day Class girls also rarely get chocolates(You are an exception), the Day Class boys usually not interested in girls that are the Night Class' fangirls.

You ignored the chatter inside the classroom and pulled out your textbook as your sister spoke to her friend, "Yori-chan, are you giving chocolates to anyone?"

You quietly hummed in approval as Yori replied, "No one in particular."

You were reviewing your notes when your sister turned to you, "How about you, Nee-chan? Are you giving out chocolates to anyone?"

"Hmm," you hummed, taking your eyes off your notebook, "Maybe. I don't like sharing my food, though, so maybe not."

Yuki sweatdropped at your answer and exclaimed, "Nee-chan, you always say that! This is a one-time event so please just give somebody chocolates!"

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