Chapter Two ~ Stupid Blonde Idiot

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"Are you okay?" I asked with slight concern.

Yuki nodded, "I'm fine, Nee-chan."

You both went silent and tensed when footsteps echoed in the empty hallway. Your eyes narrowed when you caught sight of two figures.

"Hello. Thanks for patrolling."

Your POV

Your eyes narrowed when you caught sight of the vampire who spoke. Blonde hair, green eyes. Takuma Ichijou. You glanced at the other vampire standing next to the blonde, Kaname Kuran.

You are not particularly fond of certain vampires but you tolerate them to an extent. However, Takuma is one of the few Night Class students that you are okay with. He and a few other vampires are actually pretty decent once you get to know them.

You stared blankly at them when Yuki bowed. You gave a minuscule smile to the two males and went to follow Yuki as she ran off.

You followed Yuki and stopped as she stared at the fountain at school. You heard her mumbling to herself and sighed when she ran off again. You went to the fountain to splash water on your face. As you stood up again, you turned around when you heard a strangled grunt of pain and the sound of something falling. You quickly scanned the area, your eyes widening when you see Zero sitting on the ground. His right hand was covering half of his face as his expression twisted in pain.

"Zero? Are you alright?"

Zero's eyes widened upon hearing your voice. He quickly stood up and sprinted away from your view, but not before taking the thing that he dropped. Your eyes followed his back, concern starting to show in your eyes. You sighed after a moment, turning and running in the direction Yuki went earlier.

~The next morning~

"Cross... Cross!"

You sweatdropped as Yuki popped up from her seat and said, "Thanks for the meal!" after her friend, Sayori(or 'Yori' as Yuki called her), whispered something in her ear while she was asleep. The teacher sighed as everyone in the class giggled at your sister. Meanwhile, you just sighed and read your textbook as Yuki suddenly realized where she is.

"Napping again? Both you and Kiryuu," the teacher sighed, tapping his stick-thing against the desk.

You looked to the back of the class from your seat on Yuki's left, and surely enough, there Zero sat with his head resting on his arms, which were folded on the table. You rolled your eyes and directed your attention to your textbook again, flipping the page, and highlighting the important details in your book.

"Being part of the Disciplinary Committee must be quite the demanding job." the teacher said, studying Yuki. Then, he looked at you. "Cross, aren't you part of the Disciplinary Committee too?"

You looked up from your textbook and answered the teacher nonchalantly, "Yeah. What about it?"

"It's good that you are awake for my lessons. Keep up the good work."

"Thank you, Sensei." You said, giving your teacher a firm nod before turning to your notebook to write something down. You saw Yuki sweatdrop from the corner of your eyes as the teacher's attention went to Yuki again.

"Please don't mind us, Sensei," Yuki stated while rubbing the back of her head.

You could sense your teacher's annoyance as he spoke with irritation, "Detention for both you and Kiryuu!"

As the teacher walked away, Yuki turned to you and quietly asked, "Will you stay with me during detention, Nee-chan?"

You sighed and placed your pencil down, turning your head slightly to face your sister, saying, "I might."

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