Part 10: Court

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Marinette's Point of View:

It was finally the day to take down Hawkmoth and Mayura once and for all.

"Okay everyone today is the day we take down the bastard Hawkmoth, Mayura, and the bitch Lila," Bridgette says.

"Felix we are providing you with the fox miraculous just in case, even though you are the true wielder of Dusuu," I state.

"I will do my best guardian," Felix states.

"Okay everyone suit up," Bridgette stated and we all transformed. Bridgette walked up to Felix and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Well my Vixen guess you're coming along," she purrs and hands him his comm.

Lady Noir then jumps into the night sky and I follow behind her. The whole team is now at the meeting point and we see the bats.

"So you guys have the files," Bridgette says.

Red Robin hand them over to her on a USB.

"We now must be heading over to Court , meet you once Hawkmoth starts his rein of terror," I state and we all leave.

We arrive at mine and Bridgette's room and detransform. Bridgette then plugs the USB into her computer and watches the files. Once she finishes she turns to Adrien and hugs him.

"I promise we will get you out of that hell," Bridgette says.

I dial up Jagged's number and the line picks up, "Marinette? Why are you calling me?"

"Uncle Jagged it's time for court. You need to hurry over. We will be there soon," I say.

"Actually I'm already here, see you soon," Jagged says and the call ends.

"MOM! DAD! We have to go to court!" Bridgette yells.

"We know, everthing is prepared. Alfred and the Wayne's are waiting for you outside you will be going to court with them. We will be joining you after that," Sabine says.

"Mom the Wayne's and Alfred have nothing to do with this why are they here?" I ask.

"They are worried about your safety so they will take you there," Sabine states.

We head outside to see a limo. Alfred steps outside and opens the door for us to get inside.

"Really Alfie way to be hidden! We are literally going to be at the peak of attention because of this fucking shit!" Bridgette says.

"No cursing," Alfred scolds.

"TT, this will help prove that Agreste is more safer with you imbeciles that his sperm donor," Damian states.

"What Damian means is go big or go home and that what we did," Dick explains.

"Whatever," Bridgette says and holds my hand and Felix's hand.

I look over to Adrien and say, "Remember that you aren't alone in this battle. You have us to back you up till the end. If it becomes too much just know to stop none of us will judge you."

"Adrien just say the word and I will slash my saber through that bastard father of yours," Kagami states.

"Yeah Adrien, just remember me and Kagami will get rid of him if he becomes a problem. That bastard deserves to go to hell for his crimes. So don't you feel pity or remorse for gaining your rightful freedom from that price of shit," Bridgette states.

"I'll help you hide the body," Felix offers.

"Guys I don't think talking about murdering Adrien's sperm donor will help him," I state.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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