Part 1: Violence

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Marinette's point of view:

Ever since Lila has begun coming to the school my friends have been leaving me and my twin's side. Bridgette and I have been attending this school ever since we were little. When Lila joined we noticed she kept lying to everyone. I mean why would anyone in the world believe Jagged Stone had a cat when he is allergic to them.

Well, my so-called friends did. One google search will disprove her lies. So Bridgette and I confronted her and she threatened to take away all our friends and she did. Adrien knew she was lying but let her do so because his father forced him to. If I ever get my hand on Gabriel Agreste he is dead. Ever since then my love for Adrien has faded and now my feelings for him have turned into sibling love.

Bridgette and I kept on pointing out Lila's lies but she always turned the situation into her favour by using those crocodile tears. Soon we were cast aside for being bullies. Lila's so-called proof was her rubbish makeup skills and telling people that Bridgette and I beat her up, what a joke.

Ever since then Bridgette and I have been protecting each other and trusting no one but our inner circle including Luka, Kagami, Adrien and us.

On top of that, we also have Hawkmoth to deal with. Bridgette and I have been Lady Noir and Ladybug ever since the beginning. We have worked said by side to stop Hawkmoth but now he has Mayura as well. We figured out Mayura's miraculous is broken and is affecting her health. Hawkmoth is being a pain and sending out more and more akuams. Seriously does this man have anything better to do with his life? Bridgette and I recruited Luka, Kagami, and Adrien to the team. Luka wielding the snake miraculous, Kagami wielding the dragon miraculous and Adrien wielding the bee miraculous. So far our research has lead us to believe that Gabriel Agreste is Hawkmoth and Nathalie is Mayura an even better reason he deserves to be locked up.

I know our parents have seen our changed behaviours and are worrying but Bridgette and I didn't want to bother them. So we didn't tell them about Lila but I have a feeling mom already knows.


Bridgette and I were walking to school when we got pulled into an alleyway and I see all my classmates circling us.

"What do you want?" Bridgette asks.

"Since you two have been harassing Lila we thought we could give you a taste of some of your own medicine," Kim says.

"You still believe those pathetic lies?" Bridgette questions.

"I-I didn't d-do any-t-thing to you w-why are you s-so m-mean t-o me?" Like wails.

"Those crocodile tears may work on them but not on us," I state.

"You bullies deserve this," Alix says.

Kim and Ivan grab hold of Bridgette and Alix and Max grabs ahold of me.

"What are you nuisances doing? Get your hands off us!" Bridgette yells.

"Not until we punish you," Alya says and puts on punching gloves.

I see Bridgette struggle to get out of Ivan's and Kim's holds. She is the stronger one out of us two and they knew that. Suddenly I feel the air been ripped from my lungs, I see Alya standing over me with boxing gloves.

"Alya what are you doing your becoming a bully hurting innocent people like us does that make you happy?" I ask.

"You guys are bullies why would I care," she says.

"Hey Alya, why are you over there too scared to see what I would do if you punched me?" Bridgette mocks.

"Oh you'll wait your turn once I'm done with Maritrash you will get your turn," she says and punches me over and over again in the ribs.

"NO, YOU STOP THAT! I SWEAR WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS HOLD I WILL KILL YOU! STOP! DON'T HURT HER HURT ME!" Bridgette yells while Alya still punches me. My ribs are feeling numb by now.

I see Bridgette RIP out of Kim and Ivan's hold and run over to me.

"Nettie," she starts but before she can say more she punched by Alya.

"YOU BITCH YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!" Bridgette yells getting up to fight.

Kim, Ivan, Alix, Alya, and Max have now circled Bridgette. They start giving her blow by blow. Bridgette tries to block them but soon she is covered in her blood and passed out.

They come over to me, "now that bitch is taken care of it's your turn," Alix says and kicks me. They all start kicking me and I curl up into a ball. The kicking stops and I see Bridgette putting herself in front of me. She starts fighting them before she is knocked out again.

"Guys I think they have learnt their lesson I think it's time we should get to school," Lila says while smirking.

"Hope you die bitches!" I hear them say.

I look over to Bridgette and see she is bleeding heavily. I see my phone lying a foot away from me I slide my way over and dialed 911.

"Hello police speaking why have you called us?" I hear a voice says.

"Help," I manage to crock out.

"Hello, who are you? Where are you? What do you need help with," I hear the voice say.

"Bleeding, alleyway, sister and me," I saw before darkness takes me.

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