Part 7: Alfred's Past

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Damian's point of view:

"What do you mean when you say you fought together with Dusuu in the war," Father asks.

"During the war, I received the Peacock miraculous from an old friend to help us win the war. He used the butterfly miraculous during the war. We fought side by side and I unlocked the powers of Dusuu. I learnt more about the miraculous and the powers that come with it. When the war ended he had to take Dusuu back and so I returned it. But my Kwami Dusuu and I had a deep connection so a bit of his magic he left with me," Alfred explains.

"Who is this friend that has you this miraculous?" I ask.

"He is long gone now so it doesn't matter," Alfred answers.

"So what are we going to do about this?" Drake questions.

"Nothing, the only thing we can do is investigate who Hawkmoth and Mayura are from the shadows. We can't engage in battle," Alfred says.

"But," Father starts.

"Master Bruce this is ancient magic your playing with. The Kwami's and their wielders know what they're doing. If you want to help them then find out who Hawkmoth and Mayura are," Alfred answers.

"Should we let the heroes know that we are here or not," Grayson asks.

"That would be for the best but try to do that somewhere out of the public eye," Alfred says.

"Do you know anything more about the miraculous?" I question.

"Their order was destroyed a long time ago," Alfred answers.

"This is really fucked up," Todd states.

"Language master Jason," Alfred scolds.

"So we just have to sit back and watch these kids fight this war by themselves? Isn't that too much pressure?" Drake questions.

"It's a price they have to pay but we can at least take a bit of burden off their shoulders by helping with the detective work," Alfred answers.

"Should we meet up with them tonight?" Grayson asks.

"That would be for the best," Alfred says.

Marinette's point of View:

Once mom and dad were finally asleep our friends met up in our room. Luka, Kagami, Adrien, and Felix stood around us.

"I know you guys don't want us to go out on patrol but we have a feeling that this patrol is going to be important. Tikki and Plagg heal our injuries once we are transformed," Bridgette explains.

"I know you all are worried about us but we have you all to protect us," I add on.

"Fine Mari-hime but you and Bridgette-san are off patrol tomorrow," Kagami says.

"Deal," I answer.

"Okay I want Kagami, Luka, and I to stick to the shadows and Marinette and Adrien to be a little bit more in the open. Felix, you will watch the city through the cameras and tell us if there is any activity," Bridgette says.

"Okay, everyone suit up," I say.

"Pollen buzz on," Adrien says.

"Long, bring the storm," Kagami says.

"Sass scales slither," Luka says.

"Plagg claws out," Bridgette says.

"Tikki spots on," I say.

Everyone was now in their alter ego and started a patrol. Viperon and Drone took the south route. Lady Noir took east. Ryuko took the north and I took the east.

Everything was going well till I felt people following me.

"Code blue, I believe some people are following me gather," I say in the guardian language through the comms.

I head to an abandoned warehouse where the team is gathered in the shadows and land down. I felt the auras of these people following me and I realized they were familiar. I knew they were good and so I brought them here.

"I know your there you can come out," I state.

Nightwing and Robin drop down from the rooftops.

"Vigilantes from Gotham what are you doing here in my city?" I ask.

"TT, this isn't your city," Robin says.

I can recognize that attitude from anywhere the Bats is the Wayne family. I hear gasps through the comms and know that my team has come to the same conclusion.

"I see you have no manners little birdy. We don't enter your city without permission, I expect the same from you," I state.

"Sorry about baby bird here. We came here to tell you we want to help you defeat Hawkmoth," Nightwing says.

"Why do you want to help us?" I ask.

"Because we don't want to see people suffer like this and if there is anything we can do we would," Batman saws jumping out from the shadows.

"You can stick to the shadows like you always do and help us with the detective work," Lady Noir says coming out of the shadows.

"We can help you with your battles against the Akumas," Robin states.

"No, you can't. You see Robin, an Akuma is an ancient magic, a human trying to fight against God's power with no power from any God is a suicide," Lady Noir explains.

"Plus you have to keep your emotions under wraps and I don't think you are good at that," I say.

"We are not saying you don't have the training we are saying you are no match against this unless they bless you," Ryuko says coming from the shadows.

"All we need help with is the investigation then we can barge in and take the miraculous back to safety," Viperon says coming out of the shadows.

"We are glad you chose to contact us in secret or else we could've alerted the enemy," Drone says jumping down.

"So you help us with the investigation process outside of our city," Lady Noir says.

"Do we have a deal?" I say to Batman.

"Deal," he says.

"Here is all the information about Hawkmoth and who we suspect him to be. We almost have enough proof but we need to be sure and that is where you come in," Lady Noir says.

"Here is a phone with all our numbers inputted in if you need to reach us. Also don't try to hack it or else it will explode or disintegrate," I state.

"With that, we must be on our way, it was lovely meeting you," Lady Noir says and jumps off into the night with us following behind.

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