Part 6: Arrangements/Truths

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Marinette's Point of View:

Once Bridgette and I were discharged from the hospital we headed back home with our friends, Alfred and Wayne's. We got inside the bakery and Bridgette sat down on the couch. I felt everyone watching us when,

"Stop staring at me and find a seat," Bridgette says.

I sit beside her and our friends sit around us. The Waynes and Alfred are across us. Penny, Jagged, Mom and Dad are at the front of the room.

"Guessing by your visit, Mother is going to ship us to Gotham isn't she?" Bridgette says coldly.

"Yes, we are sending you both to Gotham," Mom says.

"No!" Bridgette says and glares at mom and mom glares back.

"You will go end of the discussion," Mom states.

"We will but we have some conditions," Bridgette says.

"And what are those?" Alfred asks.

"Our friends will come with us, I get to still run the business and do tours, and I get to have my normal caffeine intake," Bridgette demands.

"Same with me, Bridgette will help me with mine since my arm is broken," I agree.

"No," Mom starts.

"Then we aren't going," Bridgette says.

"TT, brats," the boy with green eyes says.

"What dis you say?" Bridgette says.

"Brat you both are brats," He says.

"Well, Wayne we aren't going to put aside our promises we have made for all those people. Many people work for us if we stop now they won't find a job and they could become financially unstable. Everyone is not a billionaire like you," Bridgette states.

"Damn demon spawn, she was able to make you shut up. I'm am so going to be your brother," a boy with a white streak in his hair claims.

"You can but first introduce your selves to us," Bridgette says.

"I'm Jason, demon spawn is Damian, the one who looks like a zombie is Tim, and the bubbly one is Dick," Jason says.

"Your parents named you that?" I ask

"No, I just prefer it," Dick answers.

"So mom do you agree with our requests," Bridgette says.

"Fine," Mom says.

"Great cause I'm starving, Mars want anything?" Bridgette says.

"Macrons please," I answer.

"Tea," Felix says.

"Sure," Bridgette says.

"What about us?" Adrien asks.

"Fuck off bitches if you want food get it yourself," she says and goes downstairs.

"But you're getting Felix something," Adrien says.

"That's because he is my boyfriend now fuck off," Bridgette says.

"Language," Mom and Alfred scold.

"She is literally the sister of Tim and Jason," Dick says.

"Why is that?" I ask.

"You'll see," he says.

Bridgette comes back upstairs and hands me my food and we start eating.

"Also I get to lock that liar bitch in jail then we can go to Gotham," Bridgette states.

"No," mom starts.

"Bridgette and I already have enough proof, we are waiting for our lawyers to send us the documents to send her to jail and put cases against our classmates for bullying," I explain.

"How long will it take?" Dad asks.

"3 day tops," Bridgette says.

"I think it's best if you finish with that then we can send them to Gotham to have a new start," Dad says.

Damian's point of View:

We have finally arrived back at the hotel and Alfred has called a meeting. We all head to Father's room and wait for everyone to get here. Father and Alfred are there once I arrive. Grayson arrives with Drake and Todd jumps through the windows and sits on the bed.

"We all have received knowledge about a terrorist in Paris and the heroes Ladybug and Lady Noir," Father says.

"I've researched them and found out that they having been protecting their city for 3 years going to be 4 this year. Their current team is Viperon, Rykuo, Drone, and their leaders Ladybug and Lady Noir," Drake states.

"What do mean by the current? Has there been more heroes?" Father asks.

"There was one time where Multimouse appeared but she hasn't been seen since. The heroes can also change their attire. When they were fighting an akuma called Siren she flooded the whole city. Luckily the heroes were able to change their attire to allow them to go underwater and save the city. Most of Paris's population drowned that day but due to Ladybug's power the miraculous cure she revived all those people and fixed all the damage that Siren caused," Drake explains.

"These beings have the power to bring back lives? What kind of shit magic is this?" Todd asks.

"Ancient magic, there have been sightings of creation and destruction wielders ever since the beginning of time. In old scripts and lost languages, there are figures that represent the wielders of creation and destruction. Once their duty is done they will fade back into their myths," Drake answers.

"TT, what powers do these people have?" I ask.

"Ladybug has the power to fix everything and can call for her lucky charm which summons an object that could help her defeat the Akuma in battle. Lady Noir has the power of destruction, she can destroy anything she touches when she says a specific word. Viperon has the power of second chance allowing him to reset time to do things over if everything goes south. Rykuo has the powers of wind, water, and fire allowing her to use it at any time when summoned. Drone has the power of subjection allowing him to use his venom on someone and freeze them. Dusuu has the power of emotions. HEr wielder can use her feathers and bring an item to life using a human's emotions. Nooroo has the power of transmission allowing his wielder to use the power through butterflies and create champions. But Hawkmoth is using him for evil and creating Akuma's with them allowing him to mind control them," Alfred says.

"Alfred who are Dusuu and Nooroo and what do you mean by wielder?" Father asks.

"Nooroo and Dusuu are Kwamis which are gods that are unleashed when worn a piece of ancient jewelry. They are what gives regular humans like us their powers," Alfred says.

"So every hero has a Kwami?" Todd asks.

"Yes," Alfred answers.

"Alfred, how do you know so much about this?" Father asks.

"Because I was Dusuu's wielder during the war," Alfred answers.

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