Part 9: The Plan

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Marinette's Point of View:
Ever since the Bats have contacted us, my team has been on the edge. Being put on bed rest did not help me nor Bridgette. We had a coffee machine brought into our room and have been working on our businesses. It's been pretty stressful with our parents and friends always telling us to rest. We both know that we are worrying our family but working on our passions helps us calm down.

"It's all going to end isn't it," I say.

"It doesn't feel real, after all these years we will finally be free," Bridgette says.

"We still have the guardian responsibilities."

"We do but now we won't have to sacrifice our health for this," she says.

"I guess."

"We should talk with our team before heading out to meet with them," I say.

I pick up my phone and send out a message to Kagami, Luka, Felix, and Adrien to meet up here.

"So Mari-San why did you call us here?" Kagami asks.

"We are meeting up with the bats today," I answer.

"They have proof of who Hawkmoth is," Bridgette says.

"Didn't you hand them a whole report with evidence of how my father is Hawkmoth and Mayura is Nathalie. You just handed them a whole evidence package. I still don't get why you gave them that," Adrien says.

"So we could have full video proof of Hawkmoth being your father. Also, they wouldn't have left our city if we didn't and we couldn't let them poking into our business so we made a compromise," I state.

"We can't attack Hawkmoth and Mayura until we have evidence of Lila Rossi working with them. That is where the Bats come in. Plus the report we gave them was to fill them in on everything, now they have to prove that they will help us by putting that wretched liar behind the bars for her crimes," Bridgette states.

"I think we should start heading out soon if we want to make it on time for our meeting," Luka says.

"Suit up, we are meeting up with the bats then we are going to go on patrol. Bridgette, remember to bring the report on Lila Rossi," I state.

"I always have her files on me, that wretched liars report just keeps getting longer and longer," Bridgette states.

"Even if she forgets I have programmed all the files into the miraculous. I have also made upgrades to your suits," Felix states.

"Thank you Fe," Bridgette says.

"What are our upgrades?" I ask.

"Your suits will now record everything you hear if you press the button on your belts. Also, these contact lenses will record everything you see," Felix explains.

"Good work, now let's go," I state.

We reach the meeting spot but stay in the shadows. I observe the room to see the Bats hiding in the Shadows. I make my way to the center of the room and reveal myself.

"Now that we are all here why don't we start discussing our plan. Hiding in the shadows will do us no good now," I say.

Once I finish saying that Robin, Red Robin, Night Wing, and Batman reveal themselves.

"She said everyone, Red Hood so get down here!" Lady Noir says.

"Geez you all are sharp," Red Hood says.

"Getting back to business what did have to speak to us about so urgently?" I ask.

"It's about Hawkmoth. You practically gave us the answer to his identity when you gave us that file. What was your true motive behind that?" Night Wing asks.

"You wouldn't have left us alone if we didn't give you all the information we had in this case," Ryuko states.

"TT, what is the reason for needing our help?" Robin states. 

"I see you figured that much out but there is still more you figured, tell me what else have you found?" I ask.

"Gabriel Agreste's son Adrien is innocent you say but how do we know that for sure?" Red Robin questions.

"That boy has been abused his whole life and I have proof to back that statement up. True he wasn't physically abused but he mentally was. That kid deserves so much more than that scumbag of a father," Lady Noir says.

"Gabriel Agreste has also allowed his son to be sexually harassed by Lila Rossi. Lila Rossi is very bad news since she is the main reason for many akumatizations in her school. We also believe she has been working with Hawkmoth which is why he allows her to do whatever she pleases with Adrien," Ryuko states.

"Here," Lady Noir says handing over a file one Lila Rossi.

"She is the daughter of an Italian diplomat and has an immunity which is one of the problems here. She can't be punished if she has immunity. We also couldn't find any video evidence of her harassing Adrien but we do have a recording of her threatening a student named Marinette Dupain Cheng. It seems she has been bullying and isolating Marinette and her close friend group to isolation. We also believe she may have something to do with the recent injuries of Marinette and Bridgette Dupain-Cheng. There is also a video of her grabbing an Akuma and allowing her to become an Akuma. We believe she has bullied and isolated students from her previous schools and caused something bad to happen to them but we don't know if that is true. We still need evidence to back that statement up," Viperon says.

"Gabriel Agreste allowed his son to be thrown off a 50-foot building by one of his Akuma's. Even though Adrien could have died he never told his Akuma to save him. Meaning that he won't care if he kills his only son for this," Drone says.

"Then why haven't you gotten Adrien into a better environment?" Red Hood asks.

"That's where we need your help. All the evidence we have to hand over Adrien's custody and have Gabriel Agreste thrown in jail isn't enough. We have hacked through Gabriel Agreste's system but everything has been wiped clean. We need you to hack into his database and collect video and sound evidence of Adrien's abuse. We also need you to collect evidence of Lila Rossi's and Natalie's crimes to throw them in jail" Bridgette explains.

"After that is done we will give the evidence to Adrien so he can take it to court with him and win the court battle. Once he is safe that is when Gabriel will go insane but he won't show it then. He will keep composed since he will bail himself out and head for his home to akumatize the next victim. We believe he will akumatize Lila Rossi. Before he can do that we will attack them," I explain.

"Red Hood, Ryuko, and Red Robin I want you to follow Lila Rossi and take her down. Ladybug, Batman, and Robin, you will take down Gabriel Agreste. While Drone and I will take down Natalie. When the fight starts Viperon will be going to search for Emilie Agreste's body," Lady Noir says.

"I want everyone to be alert and ready for anything to happen," I say.

"We will meet here again tomorrow. Can you have the evidence of Gabriel's crimes by then?" Viperon asks.

"We can have all the evidence of not only his crimes but Natalie's and Lila Rossi's," Red Robin states.

"Okay, then we will meet again," I say and start jumping over rooftops alongside my team. Leaving the bats behind we all blend into the shadows.

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