50 shades of way [frerard]

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“You saw me reading the same book you did and we got into a heated discussion on how much it sucks”. 
Danger Days!Gerard/2014!Frank because I love writing Gerard with red hair for some reason idk

Gerard can't help but feel slightly dirty as he sits there on the bus, legs tucked up so nobody can see the monstrocity he's reading, a soft blush burning across his cheeks accompanied by a disgusted look.
Fifty Shades of fucking Grey.
[Or "Fifty Shades of Way", as his asshole friend Pete Wentz keeps calling it]

He's not some desperately horny housewife like a magority of the book's readers - it's just that, well, everyone is talking about it. Everybody. Gerard's only human for being curious.. right?
Still, it's disgustingly dreadful. Incorrect portrayls of BDSM - something Gerard is, cough, quite experienced with, after his ex-boyfriend Gabe - as well as rape and countless cases of abuse? Not exactly Gerard's cup of tea.
Yet he's determined to fucking finish it, shitty or not. He just needs to find out what happens - does Anastatia end up living with Christian? Fuck, what about her parents - do they not fucking worry at all where she is, or..? Questions, questions.

Which is why here he is - reading porn on the bus, legs tucked up tight, determined not to let anybody else see.
And is why he's caught completely off-guard when a gorgeous dark-haired guy - perhaps a few years younger than him, tattooed quite a bit, with a lip piercing to die for -  pokes his head over from the seat across.

"Are you reading Fifty Shades, or is it just me?" He whispers, and Gerard flushes an even darker shade [ha, puns] of red.

"I swear to God, it's the biggest mistake in fiction I've ever heard of." He scowls. "It's fucking incorrect in just about every matter. Plus, Christian Grey is an abusive asshole."
Gerard's face lights up. "I've been saying that for months and nobody's believed me!"
"Really? You hate it too?" His eyebrows raised up to his hairline just about, a bemused half-smile across his handsome features.
"I made a huge post on my tumblr about it; got quite a few notes, too." Gerard replied, turning the page.
"You've got Tumblr?" Cute Boy's face lights up this time, and he moves over, sitting in the previously empty seat. "I'm Frank Iero, by the way - I usually tend to introduce myself first; my url is therealfrankieiero; what's yours?" Frank's got his phone out already on the app, ready to type in Gerard's url.
"Gerard Way - uh, it's your-friendly-neighborhood-gerard." He replied. "I hit 550 followers a few days ago." There's a hint of pride in his voice, which Frank finds adorable.
Frank found Gerard's blog easy enough - yet as he did so, the bus screeched to a stop - Frank's.
"This is my stop. I'll follow you though - I'll message you later!" He calls as he rushes off the bus.
Gerard rolls his eyes, before going back to the monstrocity of a book resting on his knees.
He reads for a solid five minuets before his phone buzzes; he gets it out, seeing that it's a tumblr notification - he's finally got an ask? He opens it, reading it quickly beore roling his eyes, grinning.

therealfrankieiero -
"so i guess you could call your book 'fifty shades of way'? ;)"

A/N - I actually have no idea where this came from but omg I don't actually hate it :')
Well not that much but you know

Stay beautiful and remember to cook homophobes and sexist people bc that's what they deserve.
~ Yowzah

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