always [ryden]

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A/N - Based on a prompt a friend of mine gave me - "Ryan is immortal and lives his life trying to find his soulmate (Brendon) throughout history and to be finally with him. They finally get together until Brendon's life is cut short. What happens from thereon in is up to you."

I'm really sorry oh my god I nearly cried when I read this prompt. Also it goes perfectly with the song [plus it's what Bden sings near the end]

Rated PG-13 for cussing and tears

Word count - 805 words

Ryan's POV


Being immortal was the shittiest thing possible, truly.

Now, you may be thinking - what are you, crazy? That's the coolest thing ever!

It's not, trust me.

My name's Ryan Ross. I'm 21, male, queer.. and immortal.

And this is, well, my story, I guess.


My soulmate never changed.

He was about my height; dark hair and even darker eyes in a gorgeous smooth brown shade, and lips prettier than any girl's; he was always gorgeous, so fucking gorgeous. That never changed.

I never kissed him though. Our lips never met, our eyes never collided, we never cuddled after sex or even touched. Because Brendon Urie, my soulmate, died every time, far before I ever got to met him, every single time period, from the Victorian era to World War 1 to Vietnam; we never ended up meeting.

Until now.


Coffee shops sound overrated when it comes to falling in love, but, just like a fanfiction, I was in Starbucks when our eyes met. As he passed me my Venti Iced Skinny Hazelnut Macchiato, Sugar-Free Syrup, Extra Shot, Light Ice, No Whip, our eyes locked and I knew he was Brendon, soulmate Brendon, and we were meant to be.

I waited until after his shift; shyly, I asked his name. Of course, he pointed obnoxiously to his nametag, and I callled him a jerk. He laughed. We became friends.

Our friendship grew and grew as we interacted with eachother; soon, I felt the inevitable happen, and felt myself quickly start to grow feelings for him - and one one of our friend nights, I kissed him, he kissed me back, and soon afterwards we began dating.

We had a long, long run, Brendon and I. Four years, and on our anniversary he got down on one knee and finally proposed. I cried so hard as I cuddled him, yelling "Yes, yes, of course!"

We were due to be married in the spring, and we were all so excited; his friend Pete's band was gonna play, my friend Gerard was gonna do some flowers and shit, it would be perfect.


I still remember getting the call from the ICU ward the night before our wedding; the way the old woman on the other end sounded so sympathetic for me, cooing sorries before getting to the gist of it. They regretted to inform me that my fiancee, Brendon Urie, had been caught in a car crash, was currently in the ICU and most likely wouldn't make it. There had been a pause, before tears as she choked out that he had passed due to brain injuries.

The light of my life had gone. I saw no purpose to continue my life. There was none, not without Brendon Boyd Urie, my soulmate, my lover, my best friend.

No more reason to keep on going.

My hands shook as I wrote; of course, I wrote the letter that signaled my own suicide. Living without Brendon after having him so close was far too difficult.

I shakily signed the letter, and although my signature seemed too close together and messy I dealt with it, because I would soon deal with myself.

I raised the bottle of vodka to my lips, the pills already halfway down my throat; I was just about to drink when I heard a delicate noise from behind me.

I turned.


My Brendon.

I barely restrained myself as I threw myself towards him, my soulmate. He was still solid, but his form was transparent, like a ghost, with watery, wavering shades.

I kissed him hard, unable to stop myself from sobbing. He laughed, a warm, musical sound, before singing softly, his sweet voice barely audible;

"When the world gets too heavy

Put it on my back

I'll be your levy

You are taking me apart

Like bad glue

On a get well card

It was always you

Falling for me

Now there's always time

Calling for me

I'm the light blinking at the end of the road

Blink back to let me know

I'm a fly that's trapped

In a web

But I'm thinking that

My spider's dead

Lonely, lonely little life

I could kid myself

In thinking that I'm fine

It was always you

Falling for me

Now there's always time

Calling for me

I'm the light blinking at the end of the road

Blink back to let me know

That I'm skin and bone

Just a king and a rusty throne

Oh, the castle's under siege

But the sign outside says, "Leave me alone."

It was always you

Falling for me

Now there's always time

Calling for me

I'm the light blinking at the end of the road

Blink back to let me know."

I listened to the cadences of his voice, so soothing and familiar, as I slipped from life, just like slipping home.

a/n - woAH





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