can't sleep [trohley]

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A/N - have i ever mentioned how much i ship fucking Trohley

pssst it's alot

i literally had this idea at like midnight last night and really wanted to write it out - not my best work but you know

srar-era!andy x current!joe bc srar-era!andy's hair was better than my entire life has been

current time au, minus relationships [so andy's single, joe isn't married etc.]


It's nearly midnight, and Joe cannot sleep.

At all.


There's silence from the other bed across the shitty motel room; he can tell Andy is awake, because he can see the bright blue of Andy's Twitter feed as he scrolls through.


Again with the silence.

"Andy. Andrew. Andster. Andy-bear. And. Annieeeeeeeeee-"

"Jesus Christ, Joe - WHAT!?" Andy whips around; sleep-deprived eyes glaring at Joe, who luckily seems unphased.

"I can't sleep."

Joe's voice sounds so childishy innocent, his sky blue eyes the only thing Andy can focus on; and with a heaving sigh, Andy manages himself up, looking at him curiously.

"Why not?"

"I require cuddles."

Andy searches his face for any hints of a joke. It which looks darker in the night light and with Andy's phone illuminating it, he looks slightly Smurf-like.

Joe looks dead-serious, however, blue eyes boring into Andy demandingly.

"That's a shame." He sighs, "There's nobody here to give you an- Oh."

Joe moves, adjusting himself to be more comfortable. In the bluish light, he can see that he's cuddled up like a Joe burrito - a burrit-Joe, perhaps? - with his face just poking out from the folds of the blankets. He's fucking cute, Andy has to admit.

"Pleeeeeeease?" He fucking knows he looks so cute, the bastard, Andy thinks. He can't help but feel wary though; he learnt from college that, well, if your crush asks to cuddle you, they're usually either a - drunk off their ass, or 2 - doing it as a joke; and, well, Andy's crush on Joe is almost as big as the boner Pete has for Patrick - in other words, his crush on Joe is probably veering more into "holy fuck you beautiful human being you have no idea how much i'm in love with you" territory rather than "oh, you're cute. wow." like he'd much rather intend to keep it as.

"Fine, you ass. Only because you're a very cute burrit-Joe and because otherwise you'll keep me up all night." Andy's tones are light and teasing as he manages to wrangle himself from his own covers, placing his phone down on the small, wooden 'bedside table' that's actually more of a stool smothered in wood-stain, and there's a weird patch that's kinda gross and he thinks it's either gum or come or maybe even both. He basically leaps over from his own bed to Joe's - his leg hurts for some reason and plus, their beds aren't even that far apart. 

"Ufg- Andy! That's my leg!" Joe complains as Andy pounces onto him, tugging his own too-long shirt that he's about 75% sure is actually Joe's, over himself again as he flops onto his back, giving Joe an expectant look, one eyebrow arched.

"What?" Joe sounds a little offhandish - which isn't anything Andy already used to, after being in the band for so long.

"You wanted cuddles. Un-burrito yourself so I can, you idiot." He sighs as Joe rolls out - promptly falling off the bed, face colliding with the floor - Andy just about pisses himself laughing.

"I'm fine. I think." Joe grunts, pulling himself up and back onto the bed, wearing his blanket like a cape around his neck and shoulders. He flops down onto his side, looking curiously at Andy, his gorgeous blue eyes staring innocently - Andy turns to face him, looking curious.

He's beautiful, Andy realizes and it's not like how it is in the fanfics - it's more like having a heavy rock on your shoulders suddenly replaced with a bolder because you realize, holy shit, I'm in love with thisloser.

Andy just stares at him, not even realizing how close he is until he feels Joe's warm breath, slightly hinted with nicotine, skirt across his lips, his pretty eyes hooded slightly, fringed by long, dark eyelashes, accenting them even more.

"Would I be crazy if I kissed you right now?" His voice is a mere whisper; slightly hoarse from earlier cigarettes and from the loud, heated argument he'd had with Pete earlier over guitar solos and Morrissey, oddly enough.

"No. Because then I would be, too. We could be crazy people together." Andy giggles slightly at the thought of both of them in a mental hospital - jesus, he'd feel sorry for the hospital staff.

Joe doesn't reply with words; instead he leans forwards, kissing Andy gently.

The kiss is soft and light; nervous even, induced by late nights and utter love the two band members felt for each other. Joe's hand cups his face slightly, slightly calloused skin brushing against Andy's cheek, soft blue eyes gliding to a half-shut state of complete and utter bliss - Andy's darker ones following suit.

It's Joe who pulls away gently, eyes now wide open, staring adoringly.

"You're so fucking hot." he whispers, fingers tracing soft, careful lines across the angles and curves of Andy's face. "No, you're abso-fucking-lutely beautiful."

"Have you seen your face?" The ginger replies teasingly, "You're one of the prettiest people I've ever seen."

"I am quite pretty." He replies, smiling slyly, causing Andy to roll his eyes.

"Seriously, fuck you." The other boy giggles, "You have fucking no idea how to take compliments, you arrogant shitlord. It's cute."

"Fite me." Joe replied.

"I think I'd rather cuddle you." Andy sighed, wriggling up to cuddle into Joe's warm chest, with a cheeky grin. Joe just sighs gently, nuzzling his face into Andy's soft, short gingery hair, arms tight around the shorter boy's waist.


"I fucking told you, Pete!"

The voice of the one and only Patrick Stump woke both band members; standing with a triumphant grin on his face, gesturing wildly towards the cuddling men.

"Wha- Hmm?" Joe asked sleepily, arms still tight around Andy's waist. The other man just mumbled sleepily, nuzzling his face deeper into his chest.

"Oh man, I am so Instagramming this." Pete teased. "Trohley is actually a fucking thing!"

"Thanks, Pete."

 A/N - weeehehe it's here ; w ;

this is kinda bc i haven't had time to update limits and yeah i'm sorry twinkles, so here, have a trohley ~ hopefully i'll have a peterick and maybe a brallon or ryden up tomorrow <3

- quinn

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