THE FRAT AU [multiship]

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A/n - i??? dont??? know?? how??? frats??? work???

mostly peterick bc I'm trash but there's also frerard, trohley, gabilliam and brallon too ye
sorry for making you a slut Sam
Rated - PG-13 for cussing and Gabe Saporta
Word Count -

Pete Wentz pulled his schoolbag over his shoulder with a light sigh, adjusting the black-and-dark red bag self-consciously, brushing rebellious strads of his fading bleached hair from his forehead as he walked in DCD2 - his home for the next four years.
The college was average; slightly small for most colleges around the area; but his father, Peter II, worked here as a lit teacher - naturally he'd pulled some strings to get his son in too.

Although his father had instructed him to stay away from the frat houses, Pete honestly didn't care. His best high school friend Brendon had managed to befriend a frat house leader via Facebook and of course managed to get into the frat. They were three members down now, and they had ensured Pete, Brendon and some other guy Brendon vagely knew - Patrick, he said his name was - spots in their frat when they came.

And now here he was.

Pulling his glittery suitcase behind him, obnoxiously chewing gum loudly and talking on the phone to his latest boyfriend - Roland? Roy? - Brendon Urie made his glorious appearance, trailing behind Pete. He spat out the bright pink wad of gum onto the curb, and cooed goodbyes to whoever was on the other end of his call. He practically raced towards Pete, throwing his arms around him and cooing how excited he was to see him. They'd been cut off during the summer, due to them both being stuck at different summer camps for extra college credit before classes even started (Thanks, Pete's dad) and Brendon gaining another new fling. Pete had been alone for the entire summer (minus the times when he'd been assaulted by twelve year olds) and the fact that as soon he'd gotten back, expecting to be able to see his bestest friend again, he'd instead have to be stuck with nobody due to the fact that Brendon just had to fuck the hot camp counsellor and later date him. Pete knew they weren't going to last - not with Brendon's inability to keep a relationship for more than a month - but he couldn't help but feel jealous over the fact that some boy had stolen his best friend once again.

"Petey!" He said excitedly, kissing his cheek, "It's been so, so long!"

"Yeah, wonder why." He mumbled darkly.

Brendon seemed oblivious to this, sighing sweetly as he rattled on about Ryan as the two walked towards the office building to finalize moving into the frat. Pete had suggested doing it later, however Brendon insisted he wanted to move in.

The two strolled towards the already slightly full building, full of pretty sorority girls and hot frat boys. Pete gulped, staring at them all. His bisexuality was certainly not helping him right now.


Someone called out to Brendon, and of course he followed, yelling back through the crowd, grabbing tight onto Pete's hand. Great, now everyone would think they were together, he sighed. Hoping nobody would beat him up, Pete begrudgingly followed.

"Dude, I haven't seen you in forever!" 'Stumpy' said excitedly as the two exchanged high-fives. "Is this Ryan, eh?" He smirked, and Brendon let out a sharp bark of laughter.
"This is Pete." He nudged Pete in the rib, grinning; Pete swiped at his best friend in return. "We're best friends-" Brendon's eyes scaled down Patrick's leanly muscled form, "and he is totally single."
Pete groaned, punching him hard in the arm. "Stop trying to play match maker, you're literally just like a 12 year old girl on Tumblr for the first time!" He grinned, and Brendon simply poked his tounge out at him, rolling his eyes. Patrick laughed; a sweet, melodious sound that literally warmed Pete up.
"So, what are you studying?" Patrick brushed back some of his dirty blond hair, tucking it back into his fedora. Brendon rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, smirking slightly as he eyed the two as they conversed.
"Psychology. Bden's studying lit." Pete replied, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, hoping Patrick wouldn't realize he was Professor Wentz's son and thereford start making accusations and ideas.
"Awesome. I'm music." He beamed toothily, "So, how'd you manage to get here? I'm on a scholarship." He looked incredibly proud.
Pete panicked softly, sending Brendon a fleeting look full of fear.
"He sucked alot of dick." Brendon whispered, smirking at Pete, who went scarlet and wide-eyed, slapping his "best friend" on the arm hard enough to leave a mark. "Dude, what the fuck!? I had... connections. I'm not a whore. Brendon, on the other hand..."
"I didn't reblog your selfie for this kind of betrayl!" He shrieked, earning a few worrisome glances. However, Patrick laughed, before suggesting moving towards seeing the frat itself.

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