destroya (my ass) [frerard]

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a/n - milly fucking made me do this oh my god

i'm not arguing but this was completely her fault and now i fucking can't hear destroya without thinking of gerard's fucking slutty moans tHANKS GEE

set in danger days era-ish, during recordings bc * ~ gay ~ *

this is all lowercase oops


gerard way kind of fucking hated everyone and everything right now.

especially frank fucking iero.

with his stupid hair and dorky smiles and tattoos that were works of art, every single one of them, he was sexually frustrating the shit out of gerard.

naturally, of course, though; not many people can look at frank iero and not be sexually frustrated, especially if you happen to be his closest friend and named gerard way.

they were actually recording danger days, their newest album; it was one of his favourites, personally, mostly because it accompanied his own comic. they were recording the 12th song on it, something they'd collectively decided to name "destroya". because frank iero was a class-a little shit, he'd decided the song called for moaning in various parts. and, truth be told, gerard was not a good fake-moaner. he'd never gone through that excruciatingly irritating stage of imitating moans like most boys did, which was probably why. whatever, he blamed pete wentz.

and that was how gerard ended up coming in his own pants because of a fucking NECK KISS.

well, in his defense, it wasn't just one..

frank seemed to always notice when he struggled with something; a mutual bond, like telepathy or some kinda bullshit. gerard was nearing to the first moaning part; so, frank being the little shit he is, strolled over, ever so casually, with a stupid little smirk that most definately did not make gerard more than a little hard.

frank iero, little shit of the year, fucking started kissing his neck.

he wasn't sure where he picked up his weakness for neck kisses, but oh god, it was real and the second his lips touched gerard's throat his breath hitched and he knew he was absolute putty in frank's hands.

"keep singing", he hummed softly against the pale skin of gerard's throat, as he started gently sucking on the skin, the smirk obvious. gerard felt his voice hitch again, yet complied, trying desperately not to let his voice waver.

frank moved lower down his throat, pressing messy, open-mouthed kisses against his chest and collarbone. gerard moaned freely, which did nothing but spur the much-shorter boy on, hand crawling down gerard's front, to his stomach, jesus christ, lower-

gerard, ashamedly enough, came in his tight jeans, much to frank's pleasure.

"you can destroya me anytime you want.. if you get what i'm sayin'."



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