??? (peterick)

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s ummary // peterick/brallon/trohley/joshler - patrick does Not Understand these meme things his best friend/crush is obsessed with. also slight college!/workplace! au.

w.c ; 1007


brednob urine started a chat

brednob urine has changed the chat name - "bitch squad"

p-steezy joined the chat, invited by brednob urine

p-weezy joined the chat, invited by brednob urine

brednob: get fking married alredy

spooky jim joined the chat, invited by p-steezy

spooky jim: why am i included in the bitch squad

p-steezy is typing...

brednob: bc ur a bitch

spoopy ty joined the chat, invited by spooky jim

spooky: ty explain to these heathens why im not a bitch :^(

p-steezy is typing..

p-weezy: sorry but ur a basic bitch josh

p-weezy: hey you guys wanna see some dank pepes


spooky: ;^( feels bad man

spoopy: did you

spoopy: did you just put a nose and a winky face onto a sad face

spooky: y es

p-steezy: Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality.

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