Chapter 27.- "You are tied to me"

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(Please don't hold back in the comments, I love knowing every thought and emotion you experience as you read)

"Won't call me by name, only "baby"

the more that you give, the less that I need.

It's not your fault I ruin everything

And it's not your fault I can't be what you need

Baby, angels like you can't fly down hell with me...

I'm everything they said I would be"

Song: Angels Like You by Miley Cyrus.


"Once again we thank you infinitely for your support of this institution Mr. Wolfhard, please let us give you a tour of our facilities you and Miss Brown".

Wolfhard Industries, used to make certain donations with the sole purpose of being able to evade taxes and create an image of a socially responsible company in front of the media, The associations chosen were always those that represented some personal benefit for Eric or Marcus Vanderwaal, the financial support was never focused on any institution that really needed it, that was until Eric became ill and Finn had to take responsibility for the company in his absence.

"Oh, call me Millie, just Millie."

"Oh! .... Ok, Millie!" The headmistress smiled pointing the way in front of her.

"Join me here, it will be quick and later if you like you can go out to the garden to get some air, the day is beautiful and even patients who are about to be discharged are allowed to go out in the company of a relative, in fact part of your donation will be used for the expansion and remodeling of our garden "

Once Finn and Millie moved in together so that Finn would put distance between him and his father, the objective was that the curly one would be delimited from responsibilities until finally leaving the company completely, he was ready to do it when his father's heart problems were an unexpected obstacle in his plans.

Regardless of the bad relationship between them, the company could not remain unattended and even Millie understood that perfectly and cared deeply for Finn, she knew that he was close to breaking any relationship with his father's business and finally being free so when this happened she did her best to help him make this unexpected turn of circumstances more tolerable for him, She knew that there were small actions she could do to help him, for example accompanying him to small events like these, her presence was a great support for him since Millie knew how complicated any type of social event was for her boyfriend.

"As I was saying, while I am in charge of the presidency, the support for the Psychiatry center will continue, for Industrias Wolfhard it is important that ..."

Finn's words trailed off as Millie stepped away from him a bit, after the tour that the director of the place gave them, she said goodbye to her and gave them a little space to talk about business, not that she was not interested but she preferred to get some air, even if the place was very modern, it was not the type of place where she enjoyed being, she was beginning to feel overwhelmed.

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