Chapter 12.- "The end of the hall"

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"Tell me the truth, tell you still remember feeling young?

strong enough to get it wrong , In front of all these people?

Just for tonight, look inside and spark that memory of you, strong enough

to get it wrong In front of all these people..."

Millie can be quick when she proposes, it was not yet 3:00 pm and she had finished with all the work that was pending for that day, she was really excited for tonight, she did not know exactly what to expect but she was sure that this night would be significant for her life, she knew that tonight would be the beginning of many changes in her life.

She had managed to convince Finn to go back to his old house, that was definitely the first step to help him start to put the past behind him and resume his relationship with his mother and Noah, if this went well she would have managed to do something good for 3 of the people she loves most in the world and well ...

Today would be the night that she would share the great news, it was the perfect moment, nothing could go wrong ... right?.

After a forced talk with Sadie about the punishment she imposed on Caleb for not having gotten to sleep in which she listen in detail as he practically begged for her forgiveness, Millie said goodbye to Sadie, not before stopping by at Noah's office.

"I can enter?".

"You're the boss so I can't say no". Noah scoffed before signaling Millie to sit down, gesturing toward one of the chairs in the office.

"Oh no, I'm fine, I really just wanted to tell you something quick before I go home... it's about tonight..." Millie said a little nervous, nervous enough for Noah to know what she was talking about, there were few things that could alter the calm and relaxed personality of his dear friend.

"It's about Finn, right?". He said rolling his eyes when he saw her nod. "Millster, I have no intention of doing anything to provoke Finn, I'm not the one who should worry you, he's the one who can't control himself".

"I know, I know, I just wanted to ask you to try to remain calm at all times and to ignore any sarcastic or ironic comment that he might say, you know him, is it part of his ... personality? ... Anyway, is it a special night... believe me, really special ". Millie said with a tone of excitement in her voice.

"Millie, you know that I am not someone troublesome, Especially on a day like today, this day is important for Mom and I don't want everything to be perfect, but... ".

Noah paused for a second, he was being sincere but he want to promise something that he would not be able to fulfill. "Millster if he starts acting like an idiot, I don't know if I can tolerate it, this is not about me ... I can't let him hurt you or my mom".

"Noah, he won't, he's ... he's trying to change"

Noah smiled sadly at Millie's words, her friend was too good for this world, too good for him.

"You have too much faith in him Millster ... I hope he values ​​it".

"He does...". She feigned more confidence in her voice than she actually had. "Well ... I better go, see you at night."

She knew Finn wouldn't let her down


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