Chapter 1.- "Baby ..."

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Warning:At some point in this story you could find, Mature themes, sex referentes, psychological issues, violence, offensive & homophobic language. I dont share or support any ideas that harm others or ourselves.This is fiction, just a story.

"From our first meeting, our spirits began to touch.

My heart recognized you before my eyes

understood who you are ... "

....5 years before ...

Noise, lights, drunk people ... What the hell was Millie doing there? ...

Her friends from college convinced her, well... probably friends wasn't the right word, they were classmates, people she hung out with, they were... nice and Millie was the new girl who needed company.

One way or another, they knew how to get what they wanted, that's how they managed to drag her to that party, they knew her perfectly, Millie Bobby Brown, kind, considerate and gentle, a defender of lost causes ... the kind English girl who couldn't say no.

"Oh come on Millie! It will be an epic party... the hottest guy on campus is celebrating his 19th birthday!... Everyone will be there!... ".

Social status? Climb up the campus food chain? Stop being invisible? ... Naah.

She didn't care, if it weren't because Sarah, her nanny since she was born and now the only family she had, would have convinced and encouraged her to try to live the life of a normal teenage girl ... she wouldn't even have gotten out of bed that night.

She didn't really spend a lot of time on her appearance, jeans, a pink sweater, white converse, that was enough to go to a place where she would be completely ignored ... if at that moment Millie could have predicted the future, she would have dressed much better...

Fortunately, she was beautiful without so much effort... she applied a couple of touches of lip gloss, let her hair hang down her shoulders, put on some of her vanilla scent perfume and left her house.

Deep down, Millie just wanted to please her classmates, being a lonely girl you couldn't risk pushing away the few people who kept you company, the people who help you feel like an 18-year-old girl, normal, happy and ready to devour the world and eager to find adventure ... well... that was supposed to be the personality of any 18 year old ... right?

Well... Millie was far from being like that, she enjoyed being the low-key type of girl more... that was better, likewise, it's not like something filled her heart with excitement, her days were all simple , common and monotonous, no matter how hard she tried, she could never find her place in the world, every step she took in any direction made her feel like an alien lost on a strange planet, always with that feeling in her chest, the feeling that there is another place in the one she should be, somewhere else she should go, and a magnetic force constantly pulling her toward no specific place.

And so it probably all started, a strange girl looking to get away from a place full of strangers who were looking to fill the emptiness of their lives with alcohol and one-night stands.

Millie did not judge them, after all, she felt just as empty ... She did not feel better than them as she watched the completely gray sky, full of clouds, hidden in one of the balconies of that elegant house in the city of Vancouver, trying to run away from the crowd, trying to run away from everyone, taking a deep breath of the cold early morning air, watching as flashes of light peeked through the clouds ... it seemed like a storm was approaching ... and indeed the storm was very close.

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