Chapter 26 - A Talk With Hank

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So Teresa was right.

I couldn't wait to leave Andy's house to just go home
and sit and my room and process the bomb Dave dropped on me.

Eventually, Hank came round to let me know that my parents were home. My parents had assumed that I had gone to Andy's when I realized they weren't home.

Andy tried to walk me home, but I wouldn't let him.

"I'm anxious to catch up with Hank! He's at the age where he no longer finds girls repulsive, I want to see if he fancies anyone at school!" I had told Andy.

He had laughed and let me go.

I walked home in a fog. I was confused. Hank was rambling about how his mate had started dating some girl, and how he had ditched him. I gave him half-assed advice, I really wasn't paying attention, I was too confused. My  confusion quickly turned to anger. What right did Dave have to drop this bomb on me? What was I supposed to do, ditch Andy and date him? The band is just starting out, the last thing they need is to be divided by girl drama. How did I feel about Dave? Honestly, I felt like he was another brother to me. How would Andy felt if I dumped him for his friend and band mate? I let my mind dwell on that, which was ridiculous since I had no romantic feelings for Dave.

Future me thought he was cute, but much preferred Alan. Hell, the fact that I was dating Andy was comedic to the part of me that still operated like it was 2017.

Alan! When was he supposed to come along? Soon. The guys didn't know it yet, but they were about to start working on their first album soon, then Vince would depart and start Yazoo.

We arrive home, and find it empty.

"What the hell! They just sent me over to collect you and now they're gone?" Hank says after we realized we were the only two in the house.

I mumble something to him and leave him downstairs. Up in my room, I am alone with my thoughts at last. I wish Teresa was here. She would know all the answers. I think she's been rooting for me and Dave since the beginning, but you can't really root for what's not there.

I think about dialing Cathy, but I think better of it. The entire time we were in Birmingham, she was looking for guys to set me up with. Hell, if I had hooked up with John she would have cheered me on. Besides, we had just spent so much time together and I didn't want her to get sick of me. Work friends are strange, it's hard to tell if they're your friends or not.

I decide to stop stewing over this alone and go back to Hank.

I go downstairs and find him watching TV.

"I was talking to Phil, and he says that Dave's been all weird since he broke up with Gemma. Wait- did you know about that?" Hank asks as I sit on the couch next to him.

"Yes, I did. He called the hotel to let me know when I was in Birmingham." I reply.

"Was that weird, having one of your mates date another one of your mates?" He asks.

"Yeah, a little. I feel like I have to keep Gemma away from Vince now." I joke.

"Phil said something strange."

"What was that?" I ask.

"He said that he thinks that Dave has a thing for you or something. I told him he was ridiculous, and that you considered Dave to be a brother before you considered me one. Is he right, or am I?"

I was stunned. Never did I think I would have this chat with Hank. Boy issues like this were strictly a topic for Teresa.

I sigh. "He did admit to liking me. I don't know what to do! I don't want to date him, I don't think. I'm perfectly happy with Andy. Although..." I trail off.

"Although what? And I can't believe Phil was right."

"Andy's the sweetest, most respectful guy. But there's no oomph."

"Oomph?" Hank repeats, and cocks an eyebrow.

"Ugh, I cannot believe I'm discussing this with my kid brother." I say. "There's just no passion."

I was embarrassed to admit this after so long.

"So what do you do about that?" Hank asks. "I'd rather prefer it if you didn't date my mate's older brother."

"I didn't say I was going to do that!" I exclaim.


Back at work, Cathy and I readjusted to the regular office pace as opposed to the fluidity of the conference.

I had started to work on my piece when I got called into Mr. Watson's office, and was told to bring my rough draft with me.

"Well, Eve. I have to say I'm impressed by you and Cathy." Mr. Watson began. "Some of the other branches had people your age who acted way out of line, but you two represented us and Basildon very nicely."

I wanted to giggle, that reminded me of what teachers would say when we went on excursions in primary school.

"Well, it was our pleasure, sir. We just want to do what's best for the paper." I reply.

"Can I see what you've started to write about the conference?" He asks, and I nod. I hand him the looseleaf I had been writing on.

I watch as his eyes dart over the looseleaf, and I cannot read his expression. Mr. Watson must be excellent at poker. After he finishes, he looks at me and smiles.

"I like this piece! It shows what was discussed at the conference and the plans Tyche has for the future without sounding like corporate propaganda. This leads me to why I called you in here. I am very friendly with the editor-in-chief of the London branch of the company, Mr. Liang. He is looking for a new writer, and I sent him some of your work. I hope that was okay?"

I nod.

"Anyway, he adored your writing, and wants to know if you would consider working for him. At the London office, they run a couple of papers, and a magazine. Liang thinks your voice would be perfect for the magazine, which is targeted at a younger audience. If you accept, I'll be sad to see you go. However, since this is a small branch, we really don't have enough money in the payroll to promote you."

I'm speechless. Utterly speechless.

"This is an amazing opportunity, Mr. Watson. Thank you so much for recommending me!"

"Now, I told Mr. Liang I'd let you have a week to decide. You're young, and I know you've said that you still live at home, so why not take the week to discuss it with your folks?"

Maybe a move to London was what I needed to escape the Andy/Dave debacle.

a/n: hello!! long time no see. is our girl eve gonna pull a maria von trapp and run away from her problems? only time will tell. this was a filler chapter with some plot to it, sorry 'bout that. for all my alan girls, he's coming very soon!! i feel more motivated with this story than i have in a looong time.
who do you ship eve with, dave or andy? team deve or endy? ew i hate both of those ship names.

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