Chapter 21 - Rum Runner

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"Last chance to come to my aunt's!" Cathy calls from the bathroom, where she's putting on her makeup.

I'm sprawled out on my twin bed, reading the latest Rolling Stone issue.

"I'm gonna stay here, maybe roam around a little bit." I say.

"Okay, if you're sure." Cathy says, exiting the bathroom.

She's wearing a purple sundress, and a matching colored purse. She brushes her hair one final time, says goodbye, and leaves.

"I wish you would come!" She says as she closes the door.

I read Rolling Stone for a little while longer, then I toss it to the side. I'm so stupid! 2017 me and 1980 me are the same, we always feel like we're imposing on other people.

I hop off the bed and rummage through my suitcase. I find my red skirt and plain white t-shirt, and change out of my jeans and David Bowie shirt, a birthday gift from Dave. I apply a little mascara, and grab my purse and room key.

I take the elevator down to the lobby, and decide not to go to the hotel restaurant. Maybe I'll find a little cafe to go into.

I wander around the street for a little while, while the sun slowly gets lower in the sky. I pass a grocery store, and a flyer in the window catches my eye:


I chuckle at the name, and think about the time Teresa, Dave and I snuck out to see Barbarella played in a theater, and surprisingly, we didn't get caught by our mothers.

Then, I almost shriek with delight. 2017 me absolutely loves Duran Duran! Now I have a chance to see them live, in the 80s, and I'm definitely going to go.

The address for the Rum Runner is listed on the bottom of the poster.

A woman comes out of the store, and I ask her for directions. She gives them to me, and off I go.

I've been in a club a few times. The one Dave worked in the time Teresa and I went to London for the day, and I've been out dancing with Andy a few times. The inside of the club is covered with silver tiles, and different brightly colored light bulbs hang from the ceiling. Brass in Pocket by The Pretenders is playing through speakers, and people are drinking and talking, while a few hard core dancers are on the floor.

Immediately I realize how underdressed I am. Everyone seems to be up to date with the latest New Romantic fashions, and my shirt and skirt seem so plain.

I go to the bar and ask the bartender for water. As the song comes to an end, I hear a voice speaking through a microphone.

I turn around, and see people all around me heading toward the stage.

"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, Duran Duran!" The man speaking says.

Five guys take the stage as he finishes speaking.

They quickly set up their instruments, and begin to play.

"God, I absolutely love the bassist." I hear one girl next to me say.

"Gosh, Mallory, you look like you want to hop up on the stage!" The girl next to Mallory says.

"What do you think?" Mallory says, and it takes me a minute to realize she's talking to me.

"I, uh, I've never been here before." I tell the two girls.

"Are you here alone?" The other girl asks.

I nod.

"You can hang with us if you want, I'm Winnie, and that's Mallory."

"I'm Eve."

"Now c'mon, Eve. Let's see if we can squeeze our way up to the front." Mallory says. "And, Winnie. I've decided that Simon is my favorite."

"You are so fickle! I think Andy is cute!" Winnie says.

I look at them, and they both giggle.

"You must think we're speaking Chinese! Okay, the one on the keyboard is Nick, next to him is John, the bassist. The drummer is Roger, the singer is Simon, and guitar player is Andy." Mallory explains to me.

I nod.

The three of us manage to work our way up to the front. Although I've never heard any of these songs before. I'm having a lot of fun. Winnie and Mallory are really nice, and if they lived in Basildon, I would definitely be friends with them.

The music changes, and I'm surprised to recognize the tune.

"Fame makes a man take things over.." Simon starts to sing, and I find myself singing along. Winnie and Mallory join in too, and together the three of us dance and sing like we're childhood friends.

"Don't look now, but I think someone's looking at you!" Mallory says, and I can barely make out what she's saying.


"Bassist. John. Staring. At you." She whispers.

I take a moment to process what she's saying, and then I quickly turn towards his side of the stage.

John's definitely staring at me.

I really wanted to include Duran Duran in here so here's a little cameo! Also wanted to add two new characters, Mallory and Winnie because Eve doesn't really have a lot of girl friends. Eloise is a bitch, and Gemma's in a complicated relationship with Dave. Well, that's all for now!

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