Chapter 10 - Policy Of Truth

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"Sorry, Mart. Teresa being home completely slipped my mind. I should have told you." I apologize.

"It's fine, Eve. Truth is, I just don't think I'm over her." He replies, looking a little glum.

I look at Andy for guidance.

"If you want, I can talk to her and see if she's still into you?" I offer.

"Could you? Eve, you're the best! And try to make it sound like you're not asking for me, but for yourself." Martin says.

I nod. "Got it."

"It feels weird, having you home." I tell Teresa.

It's late at night, and we're sitting on our beds, talking to each other.

"It feels weird being home. Time has stopped here, especially in this room." She says, pointing to her Saturday Night Fever movie poster.

" She says, pointing to her Saturday Night Fever movie poster

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"That wasn't that long ago!" I say.

"It feels like forever ago to me. We went together with Leigh and Grace, you were in some petty fight with Jules about God-knows-what, and Andy and Martin deemed the movie too girly." She reminisces.

"Speaking of Martin, do you miss him?" I ask, casually.

"I don't know. There's this student teacher at school and I think he's into me, he's quite handsome. Pick your chin up off the floor, Eve, he's only two years older than me! But I guess I do. Martin was a great boyfriend. Oh! I have a really funny story for you!" She exclaims the last sentence, and I wonder what she's going to tell me.
"Okay *laughs* so- haHAHAHA" she starts, falling off the bed, laughing.

"Shut up! You're going to wake mom, dad, and Hank up! And I'm not going to listen if you can't compose yourself." I tell her.

"Okay, so one day, mom and dad were out at some work party in London, so they had left us home alone. Hank was spending the night at his friend Kyle's house. I had the house all to myself and I invited Martin over-" she starts, but I cut her off.

"WHAT?! Two things. One, where the hell was I? And two, you didn't actually do it, did you?" I say, curious and shocked.

"Let me finish! So, we were making out on the couch, yada yada yada, and who comes barreling in, screaming Changes by David Bowie at the top of their lungs? You and Dave! So we didn't do 'it' as you keep referring to it, if you were wondering, and Martin and I ended up watched reruns of Monty Python's Flying Circus."

We both start to laugh, but hear a quiet 'shut up' from Hank, who had gotten up to use the bathroom.

"I remember that day." I say, struggling to stop the fit of giggles. "Dave hadn't been back for too long, so we were making up for lost time, which had been the whole summer, except for that day we saw him in London."

"About that day, how did he know to get us at Kings Cross?" She asks.

"You can never tell anyone this Teresa, ever! We had been exchanging letters, and one day, randomly, I was home alone and he called the house. He told me he wanted to see me." I tell her.

"And he never liked you? For fucks sake, Eve, he wanted to 'see you'! That sounds very romantic!" She says.

"Can we please stop discussing this! Dave doesn't like me like that! I don't like him like that! I have a boyfriend, named Andy, may I remind you." I say, coolly.

"Whatever you say." Teresa says.

"I think you're still in love with Martin, and you should see him before you go back to school." I say, turning out the light on my bedside table.

"Maybe I will." Teresa says thoughtfully.

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