Chapter 11 - Interrupted

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"Can you proof this article for me? I usually have Frank do it, but he took an early lunch." Cathy, one of the reporters for the Basildon Register says.

"Sure!" I reply, and take the paper from her hand. I walk back to my makeshift desk and start to read.

It's about the new trash bins that were installed around town to replace the old ones, and it's very boring.

I'm halfway through when the door for the Register opens, making the little bell at the top ring.

"Hello sir may I help you?" Cathy asks.

"Is Eve here? Eve Reynolds?" I hear a voice ask.

"Yes, she's at her desk-"

"EVE! EVE!" I hear someone shout.

I get up and walk over to where I can see the door.

It's Dave, and he's jumping up and down frantically and excitedly.

"What is it? You look absolutely deranged!"

"I talked and auditioned for Vince, Andy, and Martin!" He says, barely containing himself.

"And?" I ask.

"I'm in the band! I'm now a member of Composition Of Sound!" He practically shouts.

"Hooray!" I say, running over to him and giving him a big hug.

But in the back of my mind, I wonder if I'm going to need to assist the boys in a indirect way to change the band name to Depeche Mode. The story says it was Dave's idea, but I wonder if I need to give him a little push.

Cathy coughs loudly, as to remind us she's still here.

We quickly separate.

"We're not dating!" We quickly say in unison.

"Yeah! She has a boyfriend, who is not me." Dave says, awkwardly.

I give him a weird look.

"Well, if that's all you have to say, then please be on your way. Eve has a lot of work to do." Cathy says, shortly.

"Bye Dave, I'll come by your house when I get out, okay?" I say.

He nods, and leaves, closing the door behind him.

"I'm so sorry for that, Cathy. He just got accepted in my friend's band. He was unsure about doing it at first and he needed an extra push-" I start to explain, but she cuts me off.

"It's okay, Eve. Make sure it just happens again. I just don't want that to happen while our supervisor, Mr. Watson is here. I know your goal is to get a job here eventually, and I don't think Mr. Watson would take very kindly to random men busting in here shouting." She explains.

When my time is up for the day, I run out of work and all the way to Dave's house.

I'm not wearing pants or proper running shoes, so I'm actually surprised I make it to Dave's house in one piece. I knock on the door, and Phil and Peter, Dave's half-brothers answer the door, joined by Hank, my brother

"Dave's on the toilet." They greet me, giggling mischievously. Peter is fourteen, and Phil and Hank are thirteen.

"Uh thanks?" I say, stepping into the Gahan's house.

"We're playing three-way checkers, want to watch?" Peter asks.

"No! Don't ask her!" Hank says, quickly.

"I'll just watch until Dave gets out of the bathroom." I tell them.

The three of them nod, and lead me over to the table where the checkers board is.

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