Chapter 5 - Smarties, Popcorn, and Cigarettes

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Dear Eve,

I will come back eventually, just not now. As much as I want you to come and see me, I'm afraid I can't. I do trust you, but I know how convincing our mothers can be to give them information. Good luck with Andy. From what I've heard, he's a nice guy. If he treats you poorly, I may have to come out of hiding and beat him up.

Your friend,

I do like Dave's letters, but I wish he was here. It's been a month since he left, and everyone wants to distract me and keep me happy.

The only person who genuinely makes me happy these days is Andy. But, I no matter what Teresa thinks, it is very clear that Andy doesn't like me in that way.

Jules said she would be coming over later. I think we're going to bake cookies.


"I'm so annoyed," says Jules, as she walks in the door.

"Why?" I ask.

"Summer's almost over, and I still haven't gotten my summer boyfriend yet!" She wails.

Jules is boy crazy, and I feel kind of awkward, because I have a fake boyfriend/boy friend, but she doesn't know that Andy and I are tricking everyone.

"Oh Jules, you're not still going on about that?" I ask her.

Last year, at some girl's party, Jules' boyfriend and Dave's girlfriend hooked up.


Grace took Jules home and I took Dave home.

I'd never seen him so upset.

He'd been going steady with Gina for a few months now, and this is how she treated him?

It was the same way with Jules and Mark.

She first vowed to never love again, but Grace and I convinced her to not be so unrealistic.

So now she wants a guy she can hang out with in the summer, then drift away from once school starts up again.

"How's Andy?" She asks me.

"I wouldn't say we're a couple, just friends." I reply.

"Well, it's good to see you moving on from Dave," she says, smirking.

Jules is a very complicated friend. She can be really nice, than randomly attack you.

"Dave and I were never a thing, Jules. Why does everyone assume that?" I say, annoyed.

"Everyone thought you were," she shrugs.

"Really Jules?" I ask her. "You really believed that?"

"Well, you don't really tell me anything," she mumbles.

I laugh. "Okay, Jules. You can think that."

Needless to say, Jules left shortly after that. We went back and forth like that for a little while longer, then she left in a huff.

Our friendship is so bizarre.

I decide to write to Dave.

Dear Dave,

Jules and I just had a falling out. It was so stupid, but she gets on my nerves sometimes. I would love to come see you too, but I can't think up an excuse good enough to venture into London on my own without my parents or siblings noticing.

Your friend,

"Eve?" I hear my mom call from downstairs.

"Yes?" I call back, I'm sitting in my room, putting the letter to Dave in an envelope.

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