Chapter 8 - Fast Forward

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Martin and Teresa broke up in the summer. They knew their relationship wasn't going to last once Teresa went off to nursing school.

Andy and I stayed together.

Dave went to an art school.

When I finished secondary school, I got an internship at the local paper. I knew we didn't have that much money, so why worrying about the cost of a fancy university?

Since Andy and Martin didn't go to a university, we hung out frequently.

It was awkward for Martin and I at first, but we soon got over the awkwardness that he used to date my sister.

My friendship with Vince, however, was the same as it was in school.

Vince, Martin, and Andy had formed a band, and they were looking for a frontman.

"How about Eve?" Joked Andy.

We all laughed.

"I couldn't." I say. "I'm the shyest person I know, I don't have that stage personality."

But I knew who did.

It looks like it would be up to me to form Depeche Mode.

"Hey Eve!" Dave says. He's calling me from a pay phone at his art school.

"Hey Dave. What's up?"

"Nothing much. I'm going to a jamming session this weekend, do you want to come watch?" He asks.

This is it.

I know what I'm going to have to do now. I'll have to get Martin, Vince, and Andy to go and hear him sing and form the band.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." I reply.

"Why are we here again?" Asks a ticked off Vince.

"Because, Eve invited us." Andy says, shutting him up.

We sit and listen to the various songs the people are singing, and then finally, it happens.

The group starts to sing Heroes by David Bowie.

Dave's voice stands out from the others, in a good way.

Memories come flooding in of me hearing him sing when we were little, but nothing like this.

I hear Vince lean over to Martin and say, "That's the voice we need!"

But, as the story goes, Vince calls Dave up a few weeks after and asks him if it was really him who sang that.

After the jamming session is over though, Vince doesn't look like he's going to do anything about it.

"What did you think of that one voice?" I ask him, as we're leaving.

"It was amazing, but I have no way of figuring out who it was. I think they'd be great in our band, whoever they are." He says.

"Well, what if I told you I knew who the voice belonged to," I say.

His eyes widen, and he actually looks like he likes me for once.

"You got to give me his number!" He exclaims. "I need to tell him our plan!"

I smile.

I've just gotten Depeche Mode together, but I have a feeling I'll be involved than giving Vince Dave's contact.

Hey all!
Short chapter, I know, but it was about time the ball got rolling! Sorry for not updating, I've been working on my other story, Never Let Me Down (that wasn't self promo by the way ;)) Anyway, I've also been busy with school, but the workload is lighting up as the year winds down. Hope you enjoyed the latest chapter!

- erin

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