Chapter 3 - Dave's Secret

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No matter what I say, I just can't convince Teresa that I don't like Dave in that way. School just got out, and Teresa takes me to see Martin's band practice from time to time.

As the days go by, I feel more accustomed to life in 1978 than life in 2017.

I know I sound ridiculous, but I don't miss my phone, at all.

I never liked snap streaks anyway.

"You know, I never see Dave around anymore," says Teresa at breakfast.

It's the first Monday of break. Dad is at work, and Mom, Hank, Teresa and I are sitting at the kitchen table.

"He's probably busy," I say, but Teresa is right. I haven't seen him since our History final, and that was last Tuesday.

"Teresa, I don't know why you over analyze every boy's moves. He's probably busy, helping Sylvia out or something." Mom says, ending the discussion.

"Where's the young Mr. Gore?" I joke as Teresa and I are clearing our plates at the sink.

"Oh be quiet, Eve!" Says Teresa, throwing some soap bubbles at me.

She is impossible.

"Kids, I'm going to go 'round to Sylvia's see if everything's okay. As much as you do over analyze a boy's moves, Dave is here quite often to talk to Eve. And how he's vanished off the face of the earth is concerning.There's some lemonade on the counter for you three. I'll be back soon." Mom calls.

The three of us call out goodbyes and she leaves.

Hank goes to his room to read a comic book and Teresa puts on Changesonebowie. She had gotten it for Christmas a few years ago, and the two of us dance around the living room.

I'm putting the record away when Mom comes back.

She goes into the kitchen and starts to make some lunch. I follow her into the kitchen and help out.

"So, what's the deal with Dave?" I ask.

"He's uh, not quite himself," Mom says, making a sandwich for herself.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"Drop it, Eve. It's not our business to get in other people's lives," Mom says, trying to end the conversation.

"Be straight up with Eve, Mom. You're making it worse by being vague." Teresa says, coming into the kitchen.

"You two ganging up on me will not convince me to tell Eve anything." Mom replies.

"Oh come on, Dave's the brother I've always wanted!" I exclaim.

"You have me," says a disgruntled Hank, from the stairs.

"Sorry, Hank," I call to him, while Teresa tries not to laugh at his reaction. "You're a very good brother and I care for you very much!"

"Go visit him if you want, but I can honestly say that I didn't betray Mrs. Gahan's trust and tell you anything I shouldn't have," Mom says. "Just eat lunch first, okay dear?"

I'm very nervous to go visit the Gahans. I walk down the street to their house, going over various things I would say in my head.

I knock on the door, and his older sister Susan answered the door.

"Hey Eve. Are you here to see Dave?" She asks me, letting me in.

I nod.

"Good luck, because no one's getting through to him. She says.

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