1. Celegorm Being a Father

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- If anyone out of any of the elves were to have chaotic children, it would undoubtedly be Celegorm, especially with his free spirit and his desire to not be tied down.

- With his free spirit and his need to be outside at all times, Celegorm would have certainly heavily exposed his children to the great outdoors and the lifestyle he leads.

- The more receptive they are to his lifestyle, the more involved he is going to be with them, and can be both a negative and positive influence in their life.

- So when his children reach their years of adolescents and are chaotic, especially in indoor situations, no one is really surprised- including Celegorm.

- Celegorm encourages some of their chaotic behavior, especially if he can get them outside and put himself in the middle of it as well.

- While at home and away from the wild, Celegorm is a bit of a bad influence especially in the name of manners before his children and he's always riling them up somehow or another.

- Celegorm puts up with a lot of the roughhousing and any mischief that they may cause, probably taking part with them, depending on who their target may be.

- Especially taking part in their roughhousing, though he tries to keep it taking place outside knowing that space inside is minimal compared to the great outdoors.

- But this doesn't mean he's going to discourage it if it starts inside.

- As for the mischief, if any of it is targeting his brothers, he is quick to join in on the fun and will amp up the mischief at the expense of his brothers.

- In the event their target is not a family member, Celegorm turns a blind eye, leaving his wife to be the bearer of discipline, especially if it's not well received.

- Celegorm also encourages their outspokenness, wanting them to be opinionated and confident in their thoughts and voicing their desires.

- When his kids are out hunting with him, Celegorm knows how to direct their chaotic behavior into hunting and whatever other outdoor sports to keep them busy knowing the energy they have is monumental.

- Celegorm always keeps them busy when they are out hunting together, teaching them new skills or how to better their current skills.

- Which some of these translates into going into their chaotic arsenal for later on, such as bettering their stealth and their quickness.

- He would also show them how to excel in the name of sports; racing of any kind, archery, and any other games that could be thought of!

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