10. Being Celegorm's Daughter

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- With Celegorm as your father, your life with him is one big grand adventure on the most literal scale and Huan was always there and heavily involved in your day to day life as well.

- From the time that you were born Celegorm always had you outside with him and Huan when you weren't with your mother.

- He talked to you about the different birds, showing different lowers, bringing you to see the elk or foxes that played, with Huan keeping an eye and on guard to keep you both safe.

- Even though you couldn't do anything yet, he simply wrapped you in a baby carrier and strapped you to him to be able to have you with him at all times when you didn't need your mother.

- The two of them spending plenty of time fighting over who was going to spend time with you, as Celegorm just wanted to immediately indoctrinate you into his outdoor lifestyle.

- Your mother often had to mediate about what was acceptable to be doing while you were attached to him. Fortunately for her, Huan helped mediate that too.

- And when you started walking, she and Huan had to do the exact same thing, telling him what was appropriate to be doing with such a tiny elfling.

- She even had to step in mediate about what was the appropriate level of roughhousing and horseplay because he sometimes took it just a little too far- though he always let you win when you were little.

- If your mother wasn't around when someone needed to mediate or bring Celegorm to calm down, Huan was there to give your dad warning nips or growls to make sure that he didn't take things a little too far.

- As you grew Celegorm made sure you were not only given a proper education, but an education on the great outdoors.

- He taught you how to ride a horse, how to handle a bow, craft your own arrows, and eventually how to hunt as well.

- As you were learning archery, you never had to worry about arrow retrieval, as Huan was always racing to get them and bring them back to you.

- Celegorm certainly made sure to bring you along on many hunts with him and Huan, having surprisingly great patience about assisting and giving you pointers on how to hunt.

- Celegorm also showed you how to dress your kills and quarter them, and if you took interest in making leather he showed you how to do that too.

- Any chaotic energy you had, he helped you channel through being outside where you can really let loose and explore and be yourself.

- With Huan there right alongside y'all exploring and adventuring away- sometimes Huan would pick your company over Celegorms for him to call him a traitor and playfully pout over it.

- Not to mention that when you were around your dad, you were around Curufin and Celebrimbor as well as the trio were close.

- Your uncle also teaching you things of completely different topics and interests that he held for that week or so.

- Your life with Celegorm as your father is full of adventures, with Huan there always keeping guard over you even if that was from your own father sometimes.

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