5. Oath and Consequences - Part 1

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Part 1

Vanifinwe x Feanorians

2.2k words


Strong Language, Manipulation, Parent/Sibling Gaslighting, Feanaro intimidating Vanifinwe, Graphic mentions of Finwe's death

Request: Can you write a what if story for Vanifinwe? About how she swore the oath? Thank you!

A/N: I wrote this months ago and have been hoarding it until I finished part 2 at least. I am mostly done with part 2 and ready to post this!

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An Oath... A binding and grievous thing that had left her Atar's mouth with no shred of hesitation before Manwë and Varda beneath the glittering stars. Before Eru Iluvatar himself, and while Vanifinwë had agreed with her, Atar's decision to confront the Valar so they could handle Morgoth. This was not what she expected happening. Standing and observing as one by one. Each impassioned by their Atar's plight raised their silver blades beneath the starry and black sky.

Torches in the other hand of each Fëanorian, casting a menacing glow and emphasizing all of their glares.

Taking the Oath first was Maitimo and Curufinwë, which merely only drove the rest of her brothers onward. Makalaurë followed only moments behind them despite the more rational temperament he had, Carnistir third... Until Minyarussa was the last to utter the words.

Each swayed by what Fëanaro had spoken, except for her.

'... Shall defend himself from Fëanor, and Fëanor's kin...'

Vanifinwë was left to hesitate as his soul-crushing words weighed heavily on her shoulders and mind. Essentially, no matter the cost... They were to reclaim the Silmarils. She didn't want to imagine what the cost was, but knew she'd discover it much quicker than she ever wanted to. The words '... Death we will deal him...' standing out most prominently...

All for those dreadful rotten rocks that had sent her once more benevolent and loving Atar on a downward spiral. Watching how bleak and reclusive... angry he had grown to be, his temper shorter than normal. Arguments frequent and paranoia heightened. He was not the ellon who raised her any longer. This ellon who stood before her now was completely indistinguishable.

Vanfinwë's voice trapped in her throat as she couldn't bring herself to answer, heart thumping heavily in her rib cage. As each brother accepted it, the disappointment and concern fell sadly over the Vala who sat before them. Their radiance dimmed as every brother spoke. All eyes- blue and gray alike fell upon Vanifinwë who stared like a doe caught in the lamplight, paling entirely at the immediate audience she had earned.

Still, was she trying to get even past the incomprehensible mess of what had been her grandfather crushed in the entryway's floor of their Fort out of her mind. Vanifinwë and Finwë were supposed to have just spent the evening together, a rare event for them both to indulge with one another. Vanifinwe was still disturbed by what she had wandered in on, after having heard Grond having subdued him...

The way his yelp was cut so short, replaced with crushing bone... Never did she want to hear such a blow again. Yet it echoed over and over in her mind. Praise Eru she had not been in the room when the event took place. Who knew what he would've done to her...

Her throat was still raw from how strenuous her shriek in sheer terror had been after seeing him ground into the floor. He had been nothing but a lump of gore- parts of blood, tissue and bone scattered all across the marble flooring. Morgoth did not spare him anything. Vanfinwë, even despite that, still approached Finwë, unsure of what she was supposed to have done.

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