9. Celegorm Being Gentle with You

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- As a whole, Celegorm is pretty rough and tumble.

- He's always out hunting, picking on his brothers- some that lead to fights, and always finding a sport to participate in, even with you he's trying to roughhouse.

- He likes to keep pretty busy, and none of it involves or requires him being very gentle.

- Even when fucking, of course, if you consent to such things he can get pretty rough with you.

- But when it comes to giving you affection, there's just something about you that prompts him to give you more gentle and careful with you for the most part.

- Anything touch related- that isn't him roughhousing with you- he's pretty considerate and careful wanting you to feel good under his hands.

- All of your hugs from him are firm, but never forceful or painful, and he likes to press soft kisses to the crown of your head while he holds you.

- When he holds your hand it's never painful, still firm like his hugs but he's mindful about the strength in which he holds it with. Knowing he could hurt you if he isn't careful about it.

- And while his kisses are hungry and passionate, there's still a tenderness to how he does it and it is purely intoxicating.

- Though the more turned on he gets, the more likely he is to grow rough with you, but if you set that boundary with him and tell him it's his gentleness you need, he's happy to provide it for you.

- His brothers are always asking how it is he hasn't managed to break you yet, rarely seeing the little bit of gentleness inside of him.

- When his brothers catch him being so gentle and careful with you, they are quick to tease him about it.

- He brushes it off or argues back with them, as Celegorm doesn't want his brothers to know or see that he can indeed be soft.

- Despite all his roughness, Celegorm can and will certainly treat with a gentleness he knows you undoubtedly deserve.

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