11. Dating Fingolfin - Part 1

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- When you start dating Fingolfin he loves and adores you immensely.

- He's not the kind of ellon that is shallow and could care less what your weight, height, race, hair, etc. etc. might be.

- All that matters to him is who you are as a person, and that you know just how much he loves you. As cliche as it seems, that is just who he is as an ellon.

- While he may not nitpick and pick apart your appearance- finding that you are absolutely stunning as you are anyways- he will certainly pick up on all the insecurities and behaviors you use to hide yourself.

- He won't say anything at first, especially at the start of your relationship.

- Instead he does what he can to make you understand that he absolutely loves every single part of you regardless of the drummed up insecurities.

- Fingolfin always tells you, you are beautiful somehow or another, while he isn't poetic it doesn't keep him from wanting to make sure you know your worth and beauty.

- Complimenting your dress, your hair, your jewelry, how you seem to glow today, or how radiant you are, just things to let you know that he sees your beauty and that you should too.

- If you try and argue Fingolfin is gentle, but firm, in telling you that you are wrong and that there is nothing wrong with any part of you.

- Fingolfin is an ellon of his word, and he absolutely means what it is he is telling you. He would absolutely go back and forth with you until he is blue in the face to make you understand just how lovely you are.

- The second time he will truly try and address this with you is when you start the self deprecating jokes you make at your expense.

- Fingolfin grows really uncomfortable with the jokes, and never cracks even a lip twitch of a smile at them.

- He stares rather plainly at you and tells you that he feels quite the opposite of your self degradation, and is quick to reverse it.

- The final breaking point of all self deprecation and low self esteem comes to a head when he starts gifting you with dresses and jewelry that will certainly set you apart from other elleths and humans.

- They will be nothing like what his brother would put you in were you with him, but they are nonetheless a little more revealing and extravagant regardless.

- As time goes by and you continue to avoid wearing the gifts he has given you - which isn't very often- it is then Fingolfin will address it with you.

- He will calmly and patiently ask you if there was perhaps something wrong with the gifts he has given you.

- Asking if maybe they were not to your liking after all and that maybe you took them because you didn't know how to say no?

- Fingolfin will wait patiently for you to give your explanation or to begin trying too.

- As you begin to explain your reasoning as to why you don't like to wear the gifts he has given you, Fingolfin is really taken aback by how callous and cruel other humans have been to you about your appearance.

- He patiently listens to what you have to say, not interrupting you to even clarify on anything, just nodding along with his jaw clenched tight.

- If the traumatic experience of being bullied makes you cry, Fingolfin will reach over to wrap an arm around your shoulder and hold you close to him.

- Or take hold of your hand if you'd prefer more space between the two of you while you cry.

- Fingolfin will absolutely assure you that there is positively nothing wrong with you.

- Going on to tell you that they were simply jealous of your appearance, be it your size, your skin, hair or gowns and so on.

- He will bring a hand of yours up to his lips to kiss and squeeze reassuringly while he speaks to you oh so softly.

- Fingolfin will assure you that all those things they said were far from true, and certainly goes far more out of his way to assure you daily how wonderful you are.

- Also being the practical and pragmatic type that he is, Fingolfin will gently stand behind while you face a mirror and daily have you point out something you like about yourself.

- He is far from pressed and nasty over it, he is gentle and reassuring wanting you to build your own confidence up- knowing he can only do so much.

- Should you ever run into someone trying to bully you ever again, Fingolfin swiftly handles it.

- Privately or publicly. While he generally isn't one to humiliate anyone, if he needs too Fingolfin will put them in their place.

- Fingolfin wants more than anything for you to see your worth like he sees it, and will make sure that you are well taken care of regardless.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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