3. Dating Glorfindel with ADHD - Part 3

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- When you first tell Glorfindel with ADHD, he asks you many questions about it, wanting to know what it means and what your trials and tribulations are.

- Glorfindel is organized and pretty disciplined, so he tries to find ways that he can maybe help you with the parts you struggle with.

- He's an extremely patient ellon, so he works hard to assist you where he can, or to just accept that there are things you can't help and offers you support in place of advice.

- While you may have a bad memory, Glorfindel has an impeccable one!

- He remembers everything especially important events or maybe even where you have placed things that you have been looking for.

- He does his best to remind you or write things down where you can see them so it will better prepare you for your day or not spend so much time wondering what is on your itinerary.

- Glorfindel is also good at finding the things you've misplaced and does so without judgement as he helps you search.

- He also understands that you are easily distracted and that when you both talk you might diverge many times from the topic at hand.

- Again, Glorfindel has great patience, so he just accepts the changes in the flow of topics of conversation that you may run through, easily able to keep up with every change and twist and turn in conversation.

- Glorfindel also takes great care too, to make sure as he converses with you to give you plenty of time in between talking to allow you room for a response.

- Catching onto your auditory processing issues quite quickly.

- He never rushes you, even when you don't process his words correctly, Glorfindel merely chuckles softly and is happy to re-explain whatever it was you didn't process quite right.

- One thing you and Glorfindel may butthead's on is your executive dysfunction and your Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria.

- He is not perfect as much as it might seem like that he is.

- With Glorfindel's more orderly nature, it sometimes outweighs his understanding, and sometimes that can look like "Meleth, can you please calm down as we ready to enter this meeting?"

- Which could trigger to your RSD, not understanding how you could end up being so upset over- to him- such a simple request.

- It completely baffles Glorfindel when you take it differently than he intended and are distressed and fretful over what he thought was a simple boundary or just a reminder of the importance of this meeting.

- When you explain to Glorfindel what RSD is, he works hard to try and leave you with more reassurance at the end of his statements or the beginning of them.

- Or explains to you after them that he is not mad or upset or rejecting you, just that the meeting is important. Or that he is tired, etc.

- When it comes to working with your executive dysfunction Glorfindel can either be a source of frustration or one of actual help.

- Because he realizes that your executive dysfunction prevents from doing a lot of things, even if it is basic ways to up keep yourself or the rooms around you, Glorfindel is always trying to motivate you somehow or another.

- He is either going to be really enjoyable with his chipper behavior as he helps guides you into cleaning something up and where to start.

- Or he is going to drive you absolutely mad with that same chipper behavior while your executive dysfunction is screaming how you don't want to do the said thing he is trying to get you to do.

- Either way, through out all of it, Glorfindel will do his very best to be the best support system you could possibly ask for!

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