i. beomgyu

143 14 90

"converse are back in style, i guess. i saw another boy about your age wearing them, too."

yeonjun chuckled and grabbed his change, his bag with the drinks already in his hand, the familiar crinkling playing in his ears. "tell him i say hi, then, will ya?"

it was a joke, but the cashier, who smelled of smoke and cheap cologne, said, "sure!"

yeonjun walked out of the gas station, the bell dinging as he opened the door. he walked to the park not far from it and sat on a small bench. it was painted red, but the paint was chipping off, curving up as if begging to be ripped off.

yeonjun opened his drink, a fizzy noise spewing out, and he sipped the drink bitterly, his mind wandering to nothing in particular.

"yeonjun?" a small voice called out. yeonjun ignored it at first, swishing the drink from side to side in his mouth. the voice called him again and he turned in the direction of the familiar sound.

beomgyu. yeonjun did a double take before smiling and standing up, spitting out his drink in shock. "oh my god, beomgyu?!" he yelled excitedly.

beomgyu ran up to yeonjun, the familiar sounds of his footsteps making their way to the bench. "hey!"

yeonjun smiled super hard, some of the liquid trickling down his chin from spitting it out. "oh, let me get that for you."

beomgyu reached to wipe yeonjun's chin, but yeonjun smacked his hand away. "still trying to baby me," he said, earning a chuckle from beomgyu.

yeonjun smiled shyly and stood up, his drink still in his hand, swishing around.

"so whats up?"

beomgyu chewed his bottom lip anxiously.

"nothing much. just wondering how you've been. long time no see, huh?"

"yeah. high school was four years ago.."

"damn. its really been that long, huh? you look great, by the way."

yeonjun furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at himself. he had on a black long sleeved shirt tucked into cuffed jeans, a belt in place. he had little smiley faces drawn on the pockets of the jeans and pen writing on his converse. his hair was slicked back, due to him not wanting to deal with it.

beomgyu wasn't lying, and that eyebrow slit added to his features.

"thanks. now... how have you been? its been so long, holy crap. how was america?"

beomgyu chuckled. "i've been good. and you're never gonna believe this; i met him."

yeonjun paused, "him" loading. "oh my god really? how is it going? was it that guy you met online?"

"its going really well, actually. and yes, i went to see him in america. his name is taehyun. i...i think he might be the one..."

yeonjun's eyes lit up. "thats fucking adorable."

beomgyu chuckled. "it feels cringey to say, but i really think he's the one for me. i'm gonna propose to him soon, actually."

"oh my fucking god, hold on, let me give you my number. i finally got a phone! i've only had it for a few months, but still...i've been working with fashion since graduation. you should let me help with the color palette and like the outfits and theme, and- oh my god, you have no fucking idea how happy i am to see you."

yeonjun handed beomgyu his phone, and beomgyu typed his number in.

"sorry, i'm getting ahead of myself with the wedding thing. its just- oh my god, beomgyu! aren't you ecstatic?

"there," beomgyu said, returning yeonjun his phone. "i'm so glad i saw you again, really. and i am so ecsatic, just trying to be calm. i'm anxious about it."

yeonjun continued smiling, but beomgyu felt guilty. "i'm sorry i just left in the middle of senior year without telling you..."

yeonjun felt his smile soften. "oh, yeah, that was kinda messed up. i had to hear it from some kids in another class... i'll admit, i was so mad at you at first. but i get it now."

beomgyu teared up a bit. "yeah, after my mom died, i didn't really have anywhere to go. i know i could've stayed with you, but i'd already been planning and saving to meet taehyun in real life a few months later, so it kinda worked out."

yeonjun walked up to beomgyu and hugged him. "you've changed so much, beomie. but you're so much happier since the last time i saw you."

he stepped back and smacked beomgyu in the head.


"thats for leaving without saying goodbye. and going across the world to see a stranger on the internet. you were bold..."

"eh, we'd already sent letters in the mail and facetimed constantly. i had full trust in him."

"i'm glad you're back. by any chance, is he here with you?"

"yes, he is! maybe we'll go back to america in a few years. but we've both been wanting to come here. he hasn't visited since he was little, and quite a few of his relatives are here in korea. we're staying in seoul, as you can see, but i'll be meeting them in incheon soon."

yeonjun smiled so hard. "i swear to god, you guys are so fucking cute."

beomgyu smiled shyly. "yeah..i'm gonna propose to him soon. i already asked for his parents' blessings, and they both said yes. i'm just...scared."

yeonjun put his arms on beomgyu's shoulders. "listen. you were bold enough to go to the other side of the fucking planet to meet the man you fell in love with online. i fully believe you can do this."

beomgyu wiped his tears. "yeah...i know."

yeonjun sighed. "god, you were fucking crazy for that though...you could've just stayed with me, but..."

beomgyu chuckled.

"anywho, i'm glad you're happy. you've got this, okay?"

"yes..okay! okay." beomgyu said, the nervousness smoothing away from his face.

"i should've visted you while i was in america..."

yeonjun's statement made beomgyu snap his head in his direction. "you came to america? why?"

"oh, i was studying abroad. fashion, like i talked about earlier. were you in la?"

beomgyu held in a breath. "yeah."

yeonjum clicked his toungue in understanding. "ah, i was in chicago. i was only there for about a year, though."

yeonjun smiled sadly. "well, the sun's setting soon. i'm gonna get going. bye!"

"okay, bye! i'm so glad i saw you again."

"i'm glad i saw you too, really."

yeonjun grabbed his bag and began walking home.

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