vi. friday, the next morning

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when yeonjun awoke, hueningkai was already up, making pancakes. "woah. what are these for?"

"they're for all of you! pancakes aren't really my specialty, but i know you like them, so i'm trying. beomgyu and taehyun went out for something, i forgot why."

yeonjun looked at the 'pancakes'. batter was all over the counter and a youtube video on how to make them was playing on hueningkai's phone.

"its alright. clean up. i'll buy breakfast. donuts and pancakes. sound all right?"

"noo, i really wanted to do this.."

he pouted, yeonjun laughing at the sight.

"its alright. practice makes better. and you did your best; i'm more than grateful for that."

hueningkai smiled and shook his head. "i thought practice makes perfect?"

yeonjun walked over to him and pointed at the batter mess, making a fake judgemental face. "no one's perfect."

he exited hueningkai's apartment and went to his own. he washed his face quickly, got dressed, and grabbed his wallet. he made his way out of the building.

"hey, yeonjun, wait up!"

yeonjun turned around to see an out-of-breath beomgyu leaning over, hands on his knees.

"oh, hey!"

beomgyu chuckled and let out a deep sigh. "where're you headed?"

"ah, i'm getting breakfast. wanna join me?"

"no, thanks. i'm headed up to hueningkai's"

"oh, okay. he's cleaning up a failed pancake attempt, so have fun with that."

beomgyu chuckled and walked to the door, entering the building. yeonjun made his way to the nearest bakery.

on his way back, yeonjun saw taehyun. "hey."

taehyun was startled, but said "hey."

when he saw it was yeonjun, he smiled. "oh, hey!"

"can i offer you a donut...sort of a peace offering?"

taehyun stopped and smiled. "i don't know if i'll ever be able to forgive you for all of those draw fours yesterday..."

yeonjun looked up, acting like he was praying. "please, forgive me. i HAD to win. i cannot lose. i apologize. i am extremely competetive."

taehyun laughed. "fine. but only if you have glazed."

yeonjun laughed and opened the box, handing taehyun a glazed donut. he took it gladly.

"thanks, yeon."

"so, we're friends."

"yeah, friends. i forgive you for how horribly you treated me in that game."

taehyun put his hand out to shake his in agreement. "no thanks. glaze flakes. pinky promise instead?"

yeonjun put his pinky out.

they settled on a fistbump.

- -
when yeonjun knocked on hueningkai's door, beomgyu answered. "he's still cleaning it up. he said he'll never try this again."

yeonjun chuckled and set the items on the table.

"heres some donuts for you guys. i stopped at mcdonald's and got pancakes. i already finished them."

a "dammit mcdonald's pancakes" was heard from the kitchen. yeonjun and beomgyu looked at each other and laughed.

"what?" hueningkai yelled.

"nothing, nothing," beomgyu reassured him.

a few more swears were heard, followed by more laughter.

- - -

soon all four of them were back in hueningkai's apartment. "okay, well, i had fun. i'm gonna head home now. cleaning," yeonjun said.

"okay! see you at work tomorrow?"

"yeah, see you!"

yeonjun said his goodbyes to everyone and went back to his apartment. rather than cleaning, he crawled in bed. he felt unsettled. he didn't know how to describe it.

it was a feeling in his stomach. kind of like...homesick? no. nervous? sad? he couldn't decide.

but there was one thing he could think about.


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