ix - it gets worse

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yeonjun was stumbling home.

his vision was blurring as his headache worsened, and he clutched his stomach in agony, doing everything he could to keep himself from vomiting.

once he got home, he immediately took some pain reliever, chugging the bottled water. afterwards, he took a hot shower, hoping it would help in some way.

exhausted, yeonjun layed on his bed, trying to keep himself from crying. he felt like shit, physically and mentally, and he had no idea what to do.

yeonjun cried himself to sleep that night, waking up constantly throughout the night to throw up. he assumed he must have gotten some kind of sickness when he sat on the ground outside.

yeonjun scolded himself, his chest and sides aching.

finally, yeonjun was able to stay asleep.

- -

"no, you don't get it! i think i'm fucking dying," soobin said to his coworker over the phone.

"you know me; i love my job, and i never call off unless its important."

"i know, soobin, but fuck! we're already shorthanded, and-"

"if i came, i doubt i'd even be able to work. shit, i might even collapse, i don't know. i'm gonna go to the hospital, this can't be normal. my entire body hurts and all i can do is vomit. whenever i move its like i'm going in slow motion, and i just- i can't come in, okay?"

"okay, soobin. please get better though, okay? aside from work and everything, it really seems like you're going through hell. take care, bye."

they hung up.

soobin lowered himself back on to his bed slowly, clutching his head in agony.



"hey, uh, yeonjun?"

strained, yeonjun replied, "yes? come in, use the key i gave you. i don't think i can even get up..."

hueningkai opened the door hastily.

"beomgyu and taehyun are visiting with beomgyu's family so they won't be here for a few days. are you feeling alright? you look like shit," he joked.

"oh, yeah, i'm fi-"

yeonjun stood up quickly, feeling himself about to throw up again. he collapsed as soon as he stood, and he began dragging himself to the bathroom.

"yeonjun!" hueningkai yelled, picking him up and setting him down in front of the toilet.

after vomiting, yeonjun thanked hueningkai. "don't thank me," he replied, feeling his forehead.

"this really does hurt as bad as they say, huh?" hueningkai muttered.

yeonjun looked at him, confused. "what does? and who says?"

hueningkai's eyes widened and he glanced to the side, "oh! uhm..headaches. i don't get 'em!"

"lucky," yeonjun whined.

"should you...go to the hospital?"

yeonjun laughed, "hell no. look hueningkai, head home, okay? i don't want to give you whatever i have."

"oh, no, you can't give it to me, its-"

he stopped himself.

"like...i said.. no headaches! okay, bye!"

yeonjun was too exhausted to even make a note of his behavior.


the next morning, yeonjun's condition worsened as soobin's got better. as a week went by, it continued like this; soobin feeling extremely horrible one day and the next day it being yeonjun.

fate ; c.yj + c.sb ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora