v. hanging out + catching up

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yeonjun was restless and had barely slept the night before. around noon, like it was fate, hueningkai called him. "you should come over!"

yeonjun laughed through the phone. "okay, i'll be there in a few minutes. bye."


yeonjun put on his slides and walked to hueningkai's apartment, knocking on the door. "its unlocked, come in!"

yeonjun opened the door and saw hueningkai on the couch. beside him was an excited beomgyu and a nervous taehyun. "oh, hey!"

"hey! we're gonna watch a movie," beomgyu said.

yeonjun sat on the floor in front of the couch. some desserts hueningkai made and a pizza were on the small table in front of him.

"we were looking for apartments to rent, and we found one we liked on the floor above this one. we're going to be moving in next week!"

yeonjun smiled brightly. "oh my god, yes. all of us in the same apartment; i'm so excited- oh my god, its just like we always planned."

hueningkai, beomgyu, and yeonjun chuckled. taehyun furrowed his eyebrows. "wait, what'd you guys plan?"

hueningkai smiled. "okay, so, originally in middle school, me and beomgyu were friends. then we met yeonjun in freshman year, and we've been best friends since. we always planned on being roomates, and this is the closest we're getting to that."

taehyun smiled. "your guys' friendship is so cute. i was never really close with anyone back home, which was why i was always online; it was my second home."

yeonjun smiled, reaching to hug taehyun. "we're your bestest friends now."

he looked over to beomgyu. "and that...thing is your boyfriend, i guess," he said jokingly. beomgyu kicked him, causing him to fall over, laughing. the room erupted in laughter.

"okay, lets get this movie started."

- -

once the movie finished, everyone was tired. "guys, its only like 1:30, c'mon!" yeonjun said excitedly.

"so tired..." hueningkai groaned.

"ugh, fine, you can take a nap. taehyun, beomgyu?"

"i'm actually pretty tired. are you, gyu?"

"eh, not really. but i could go for a nap."

hueningkai got up and went to his room. "wake me up at 3."

"yeah, same."

yeonjun laughed. "okay. i'm gonna head out, but i'll be back to get you all up."

yeonjun put on his shoes, deciding to go around town. he was tired of sitting in the house, though he still kind of had a headache.

he stopped at a small shop near his apartment, seeing cute little figures in the window display. he stopped and stared at it for a while.


"yeonjun, wait up!"

"no~ you've gotta go fast! it closes soon."

they'd just gotten back from a date and wanted to stop by the new small shop that had just opened.

"fine. get on my back. we're gonna go real fast."

"what?! okay, okay."

yeonjun jumped onto his back and he fell, both of them laughing. "okay, one more try!"

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