What Happens?

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Do you ever wonder what happens when you get suspended for a week and that week was when your teacher was giving your class a surprise?

Well, Peter does.

He was accused of lying. The accusations coming from his peers and some teachers.

Of what, you may ask?

That he has an internship at Stark Industries. And the big thing is, he's not lying. But no one except his best friend and girlfriend believe him, especially since they've seen the internship.

Even though Peter is Tony's adopted son since May died almost two years ago, Peter still has an internship. He's Tony's personal intern. But he also helps out as a regular intern too.

See, Peter lives at Avengers Tower, which is where some of Stark Industries is located. Peter lives there with his huge family.

His dad: Tony Stark.

His mom: Pepper Stark.

His little sister: Morgan Stark.

His many aunts and uncles: Natasha Romanoff, Clint and Laura Barton, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, and Vision. (Obviously there are more but some don't live at the tower.)

Then there's his cousins: Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel Barton, and Billy and Tommy Maximoff.

No one at Midtown School of Science and Technology knows about Peter's huge family except for MJ and Ned, as priorly said. Multiple reasons for that.

First of all, both of them know that Peter is Spider-Man. Second of all, both of them are close to Peter. Third of all, they've been to the tower. Fourth of all, they both have their own internships.

Ned is Bruce Banner's personal intern ever since Peter introduced Ned to Bruce. That gave Ned platinum level clearance in the tower.

For MJ, when Peter introduced Pepper and MJ, the two women hit it off right away. Less than an hour later, MJ was Pepper's personal assistant/intern. Now, MJ goes on business trips with Pepper and everything (sometimes with Morgan too).

Now, this is what happens when you still don't know where your class is going but you're still suspended.

"Hey everyone, I'm Avery. I'll be your tour guide today. Before we begin our tour, I need to give everyone their badges," Avery explained since Peter's class had arrived at Avengers Tower.

"Um, why do we need badges?" Flash remarked.

"For security purposes. Make sure you have your badge in sight at all times though. If it's not seen, security may escort you out of the building," Avery replied as she grabbed a black tray full of white badges.

Soon, every student had their white badges. Well, most students. But no one noticed that MJ and Ned didn't get their badges.

"Alright, now, we'll go through security and then I'll begin the tour," Avery stated and led the group to security.

Avery walked through and F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced, "Avery Johnson, tour guide, purple badge clearance." This made people jump.

"That's F.R.I.D.A.Y., Mr. Stark's AI system. She's all around the tower and she sees everything," Avery explained. "Come on through."

Students began to walk through and the same thing happened each time. F.R.I.D.A.Y. would announce their name, that their a visitor, and they had white badge clearance.

"Eugene Thompson, visitor, white badge clearance." "Elizabeth Brant, visitor, white badge clearance."

Finally it was only MJ and Ned who had to go through. Ned went through first since MJ was too busy reading her book.

"Ned Leeds, personal intern of Bruce Banner, platinum badge clearance. Dr. Banner has been informed of your arrival," F.R.I.D.A.Y. said.

Then MJ walked through. "Michelle Jones, personal assistant intern of Pepper Stark, platinum badge clearance. Mrs. Stark has been informed of your arrival," F.R.I.D.A.Y. said.

"Um, losers, why do you two have platinum badge clearance?" Flash asked. MJ rolled her eyes and made sure Ned stayed silent.

"Alright, let's start our tour. We're going to begin at the museum for an hour. Then we'll move up to touring through the intern labs. Then it'll be watching the Avengers train. Then lunch in the cafeteria..." Avery continued and led the group to the elevator. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., take us to the museum." The elevator began to move.

Soon enough the class was standing to the side of an intern lab, watching people writing stuff down, typing, experimenting.

Just then the door opened and the class' heads turned towards the door. There stood Peter, looking exhausted in his Iron Man pajama pants and large white t-shirt. He didn't even notice the class.

He walked over to a table and grabbed something from it. "Does anyone know where my-" he started but a girl named Olive interrupted him.

"Peter, you look exhausted. How many hours of sleep did you get?" Olive asked.

"Um, four," Peter replied. Olive gave him a look. "In the past three days."

"You need sleep Peter," she said and he shook his head.

"No I don't. I have coffee," Peter retorted.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., activate Nyquil Protocol."

"No, F.R.I.D.A.Y., don't."

"Nyquil Protocol activated," F.R.I.D.A.Y. said and Peter groaned.

"I don't need Nyquil Protocol," Peter said.

"Yes you do. Go lay down or something. You need sleep," Olive replied and walked back over to another intern to continue working. Peter just groaned but closed his eyes.

The door burst open a second later and there stood Tony Stark. He walked over to Peter and said, "Kid." Peter opened his eyes for a second before closing them again.

"Hey dad," he said.

"Come on kid, let's get you to bed," Tony said and lifted Peter up bridal style.

"I can't. I have work and I'm gonna play-"

"You can do that after you get sleep because you need it."

"Yeah, I know, I know. Uncle Steve will..." Peter started in a sleepy voice but he fell asleep in the middle of the sentence. Tony chuckled and nodded toward the interns before leaving the room, Peter asleep in his arms.

As soon as Tony left, Flash said, "Excuse me, what just happened?"

"Well, Peter had Nyquil Protocol activated because he barely slept... once again. So Mr. Stark came down and is bringing Peter to his room," Avery stated. "Now, we'll continue through the intern labs before we head to see the Avengers train." That made people excited.

It turned out that they went off schedule. The class ended up touring the intern labs for too long so they headed to the cafeteria.

Finally, the class headed to the training room where they watched training between the Avengers (A.K.A., Natasha beating the shit out of everyone for an hour).

Eventually, the class headed out of the tower and were lined outside the bus when Peter walked out of the tower towards them.

"Ned! MJ! My mom invited you guys for dinner! Wanna come?" Peter yelled, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Did you see if-" Ned started.

"Yeah, she checked," Peter interrupted. "Mr. Harrington, my dad also said that he will bring you up to the principal soon so..." Mr. Harrington visibly paled.

MJ and Ned grabbed their bags and walked off towards Peter.

In the end, Mr. Harrington was fired and Tony made sure that Flash would not be able to get into a great college.

Welp, that's what happens when you get suspended on the week of a field trip

1208 Words

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