Girl's Night

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There the women of Avengers Tower were, sitting throughout Pepper's floor (meaning having kicked out Tony and Morgan to Peter's floor).

The women being Pepper Stark, Laura Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, and, newly added, MJ.

The group had just come back from dinner and were now lying throughout the couches, floor, and other things, each with a blanket.

"What are we watching?" Natasha asked.

"I Dream of Jeannie!" Laura exclaimed before anyone else could respond, making everyone laugh (including MJ who came out of her normal persona for these nights).

"Alrighty then," Pepper said and put "I Dream of Jeannie" on, since she had the remote control.

The girls were immersed in the episode they were watching until Wanda said, "We should have popcorn."

"Yes." "Oh my god, we should." "Yes." "Definitely." replied the other four so MJ and Wanda got up (being popcorn-maker buddies) and headed to the kitchen while the others continued to watch the show.

Twenty minutes later MJ and Wanda came back with multiple bowls full of microwave popcorn that they had covered with salt and butter.

"Why this much?" Laura asked with a laugh as she was handed her own bowl.

"We don't feel like having to go pop more," MJ replied, earning laughs.

"So, what's happened?" Wanda asked and Laura quickly filled her in.

By the time the women were asleep, spread throughout the room, they had watched tons of "I Dream of Jeannie" episodes, a movie (specifically "Mulan", Natasha's choice), and eaten tons of candy.

The next day Tony came to his floor and when the elevator doors opened, he immediately spotted the five women.

Pepper was on a couch. Laura was on a couch. Wanda was on a couch. Then Natasha and MJ were cuddled up on a huge bean bag.

All over the floor was popcorn, empty boxes of candy, empty soda bottles and water bottles, extra blankets, etc.

Tony laughed quietly to himself and decided not to bother the women, having learned from what Clint did on the last girl's night.

Clint had been crawling through the vents at six in the morning when his phone dropped out of his pocket, rattling the vents and waking all the women up. Because they knew it was Clint, Laura and Natasha climbed into the vents and took his phone, Laura having held him back and Natasha grabbed his phone.

The two women ended up restarting his phone, deleting most of his stuff. As well as that, all the women gathered Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel to prank their father.

Clint did not enjoy waking up to his youngest son ripping hair off his legs.

A few hours later Pepper woke up to a little patter of feet. She sat up and spotted Morgan right as the young girl was being picked up by Peter. But not onto her brother's shoulders: onto the ceiling.

Pepper smiled and laid back down but as she looked to her side she saw a note on the table. She picked it up and read it over quickly. The note read this:

"Dear girls, we're giving you time so if us men are missing, it's because the kids convinced us to go to Dairy Queen. Love you girls. From the men."

Right as Pepper placed the note back down, MJ whispered, "What's the note say?"

"The boys are at Dairy Queen," Pepper whispered in reply. MJ laughed quietly and pulled out her phone.

"I'm gonna ask them to get something for us. What do you want?" MJ whispered.

"I'll take vanilla," Pepper replied and MJ nodded.

"Chocolate," Natasha said.

"Strawberry," Laura commented.

"Vanilla," Wanda said. MJ nodded and typed it in, sending the message to Peter.

"Now that we're all awake, should we watch another episode?" Natasha asked.

"Yes," all the other girls replied in unison, making them laugh. Natasha quickly turned on the next episode of "I Dream of Jeannie".

654 Words

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