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Tony was working in his lab on another version of the Iron Man suit (at this point, Pepper stopped counting) and he was still waiting for one of his two children to come in. By this time one of them would've come in.

Peter would've come in to help or because he was bored (or maybe running away from Natasha). Morgan would've come in for candy or to just see her father.

So, being himself, Tony headed out of his lab and into the elevator. He decided to check Morgan's room: maybe the two kids were playing together.

He walked onto the Stark family floor (excluding Peter who had his own floor) and heard nothing. He knew Pepper wasn't there; she was on a business trip with MJ, who was Pepper's personal assistant/intern.

Tony walked over to Morgan's closed door and knocked three times, saying, "Morgan." Getting no response from his five year old daughter, he opened the door and saw her empty purple room.

He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him, and headed back to the elevator. That probably meant that the kids were on Peter's floor.

Minutes later, Tony walked out of the elevator. Once again, there was no noise nor movement. He looked around as he walked towards Peter's door.

"Pete?" the man asked. Once again, getting no response, Tony opened the door. No kids. He began to think of the places the kids would be: training floor, cafeteria (since it was lunch), bothering Happy, etc.

So Tony went back to the elevator to search the locations in his head.

When Tony went to his last location, he was disappointed to find no Peter and no Morgan in Peter's lab. Tony sighed right as Steve walked in.

"What's wrong Tony?" Steve asked since the two men had grown much closer.

"I can't find Morgan or Pete. I've checked everywhere they go normally," Tony replied as Steve grabbed his shield from one of the tables.

"I haven't seen them but I'll ask around, okay?" Steve asked and Tony nodded.

"Thanks. I'm gonna keep looking. Pepper's gonna kill me if both her kids are gone when she gets back," Tony said, making Steve chuckle. Steve nodded and headed back to the elevator, leaving the floor.

Tony sat down on the nearest chair and began to ponder where the two kids would be. Without any ideas he headed to the elevator too, pressing a random floor number.

When he walked onto the random floor, he was still busy thinking about where the kids would be. He wandered around the floor (which turned out to be an office floor).

Right as he turned a corner he spotted his son and daughter. He smiled slightly at the sight.

Morgan was in a hammock that Peter had webbed up. In the meantime, Peter was sitting on the floor next to her, using his holographic projections, reading a book that MJ recommended him to read.

"Kid, I was looking everywhere for you. How long have you been here?" Tony asked in a quiet voice to not wake his daughter.

"Um," Peter said and checked the time, "the past two and a half hours. Morg fell asleep on the hammock so I'm staying here 'till she wakes up."

"I was worried. I've been searching for you two for the past hour and a half," Tony said.

"Sorry," Peter replied.

"Mommy would've killed you," Morgan said right before she yawned.

"When did you wake up?" Peter asked, now looking at his little sister.

"When daddy came in here," Morgan replied and sat up, legs dangling off.

"Sorry kiddo," Tony said.

"It's okay daddy," Morgan said and smiled. "Now, how about we play Candy Land with Uncle Steve?"

"Sounds fun." "Fine." Peter and Tony replied and Morgan jumped out of the hammock. She ran away and Peter chased after her. Tony smiled at the sight and walked after them.

657 Words

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