Car Trips

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Inspired and credit to @femalepeterparker on TikTok:

What happens when the Avengers go on a huge car trip with multiple different cars? Well, this....

Car #1:

"Out of all the cars you could have picked, you picked this one, Steve?" Bucky asked.

"It seemed more our style," Steve replied.

"And now I'm stuck in the back seat in a very tiny car... can you please move your seat up?" Bucky exclaimed.

"No," Sam replied.

"Sam!" Bucky immediately yelled.

"Listen, this is payback, alright? Because the first time we met, you ripped the steering wheel of the car out of my hand!" Sam exclaimed.

Clarification: Steve was in the driver's seat, Sam was in the passenger's seat and Bucky was in the backseat behind Sam.

"That's why Buck's not the one driving," Steve commented.

Bucky rolled his eyes in response and began to look out the window.

Sam turned around and saw this. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm counting trees so I don't loose my temper," Bucky replied. Sam then put his seat down more. "Sam! Really?"

"Listen, if I'm not driving I might—Steve... why are you going so slow?" Sam asked.

"The speed limit is 35, I'm going 30," Steve replied.

"Steve, there's people passing us. Maybe this was fine in 1932 but–I thought you would be a speed demon!" Sam said.

"You should have seen little Steve when he was learning to drive. He could barely reach the pedals," Bucky commented.

"Alright, Buck. That's enough," Steve said.

"No, please tell me more little Steve stories!" Sam exclaimed.

Car #2:

"You know, we have cars similar to this in Wakanda but they run a lot better because they're made of vibranium. You know, I could probably add vibranium to this car and it would run," Shuri was saying and still talking.

"Does she ever shut up?" Nebula asked.

T'Challa said, "I apologize for my sister, she's just a little excited."

"It's okay, Shuri," Korg said. "I enjoy learning about this. Oh hey! Would you look at that! Another boulder! That makes 17!"

"I like this guy!" Shuri said.

"Oh, thanks! I like you too!" Korg replied.

"I told Tony I wanted to go in his car. I told him I wanted to go in his car," Rhodey said.

Clarification: Nebula was in the driver's seat. Rhodey in the passenger's seat. Behind Rhodey was T'Challa. Next to T'Challa was Korg and next to Korg was Shuri.

"Oh! You should've done a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors! That always solves things," Korg commented.

"Brother, you're being very quiet," Shuri said.

"It's just because I'm resting my eyes," T'Challa replied.

"You're starting to sound like Baba," Shuri commented.

"And now I'm beginning to understand now why he rested his own eyes so often," T'Challa responded.

"You're no fun," Shuri said.

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