Tony, go to Sleep

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Inspired by and credit to @femalepeterparker on TikTok:

Tony Stark was typing away at his computer in his lab when Steve Rogers walked into the room with Bruce Banner.

"Tony, you've been up all night. It's almost four in the morning," Steve said.

"Yeah, and you're awake too, so who's talking?" Tony retorted.

"Because I get up for my morning run at this time," Steve replied.

"And I get up for my 'leave my alone, Rogers, you're in my face,'" Tony said.

"Tony, we're just a little concerned," Bruce finally said.

Tony, who hadn't noticed Bruce originally, started typing more slowly while saying, "You brought Bruce into this? Really?"

"He's your lab partner. I thought if anything, he'd be able to convince you," Steve replied.

"Here's the thing, Cap. I don't need convincing, or sleep. I'll have six cups of coffee, because that's a great alternative," Tony said.

Steve walked out of the room with Bruce but the two came back in a few minutes later, now with Natasha Romanoff.

"Cap woke me up for this. Something about you being awake all hours of the night?" Natasha said, yawning afterwards.

"And the super spy! Man, you're really upping your game, Rogers," Tony commented.

"We're just concerned about you," Steve said.

"And I'm concerned about when I'm going to be left alone," Tony retorted.

Steve sighed before saying, "Alright, we didn't wanna have to do this to you, but.... come on out, Queens."

As soon as Steve said that, Peter wondered out from the dark and said, "Mr. Stark? It's four in the morning! Why are you awake?"

Tony completely stopped typing and said, "Alright, this is a new low for all of you. Not the kid!"

"Please go to bed!" Peter urged.

"Oh, not the puppy dog eyes!" Tony exclaimed.

Steve gave the others a look and nodded, giving them the signal. Everyone except Tony wondered out of the room, but when they left, Peter closed the door, holding it shut.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, but you can't come out until you go to bed!" Peter exclaimed.

By now, Tony was at the door (had been since the door slammed shut), so he asked, "You all do realize that I'm in charge of the AI system that controls the locks, right?"

"FRIDAY?" Peter asked.

"I've got you covered," FRIDAY responded.

"Oh, thank god," Peter said.

"FRIDAY, dear. If you don't let me out of this room I will end your programming," Tony threatened.

"Mr. Stark, come on, we just want you to go to sleep!" Peter exclaimed.

"Tony, it's for your own good," Steve said.

Tony didn't reply so Peter put his ear to the door. "Mr. Stark?" Then Peter turned to Steve and asked, "Do you think he fell asleep?"

"Alright, Queens. Open the door, but slowly," Steve replied.

"Okay," Peter replied and began to open the door cautiously. Immediately, Tony tried to keep the door open to escape. "No, Mr. Stark, stop!" Peter exclaimed and slammed the door shut again.

"Kid, I'm taking away your suit privileges for three weeks!" Tony exclaimed.

"If you're gonna do it make it four, I hate odd numbers," Peter said.

"Wouldn't you want it to be less time?" Steve asked.

Peter sighed before responding. "I'm too focused on keeping the door closed!"

On Tony's side, the man walked away from the door with a plan.

A few minutes later, Peter put his ear up to the door and said, "It's really quiet again." Peter opened the door extremely carefully. The kid took a peak and said while walking into the lab, "Mr. Stark?...Mr. Stark?...Oh my god, he left!"

What Tony had done was gone through the vents. "This is the only time that I'm thankful for Barton's vent tunnel system," Tony remarked and kept crawling.

Minutes later, Tony crawled himself into a problem. Tony came across Barton himself.

"Hello, Stark," Clint said.

"Barton," Tony replied.

"So now you finally appreciate my vent system, huh?" Clint asked.

"What makes you think that?" Tony asked in response.

"Well for starters, you're using it to escape," Clint said.

"I'm not escaping anything," Tony stated.

"What do you think I am, stupid? I literally heard you fighting with Cap and Peter about the fact that you won't go to sleep," Clint responded.

"Stay out of this, Barton. It's none of your business. Get out of my way," Tony said.

"No," Clint replied.

"What did you just say to me?" Tony asked.

"I said no, 'cause you're in my vents!" Clint repeated.

"Actually, these are my vents. If you recall I'm the one who pays for everything and makes everything look cool. You just occupy them," Tony corrected.

"Oh right right right right right. Yeah, so actually I'm not up here just because I was spying on your conversation. I'm actually a part of Cap and Peter's team," Clint said.

"You wouldn't dare," Tony immediately stated.

"Oh I do dare. Go to sleep, Tony," Clint said, now with a pillow out in from of him.

"Get out of my way," Tony said angrily.

"You're gonna take a nap, 'cause you've been up for seventy-two hours. Listen, I know we're not always on the best terms, but I do care about you sometimes," Clint said and gave Tony the pillow, who immediately threw it back at the man. "Tony, are you kidding me?"

Tony did not get sleep that night but the Avengers found Tony passed out in the kitchen the next morning (Tony was probably getting coffee).

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