Zoom Call

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Just imagine the Avengers in quarantine... (inspired by @femalepeterparker on TikTok)

"Alright, let's get this over with. I have more important things I gotta do today," Tony said.

The Avengers in the call were Tony, Clint, Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Bucky, Sam, Bruce, and Thor (since Tony bought him a phone).

"Tony, we haven't had a team phone call in months. It took three weeks to plan this call. The least you can do is stay on the line for a few minutes," Natasha said.

Tony replied with, "Yeah, well it's more fun when I'm the Zoom host, 'cause I can watch you all in the waiting room for a half hour before I actually let you in."

"I hope you guys don't mind... I'm in the middle of finishing some lab work. I'll still be on the call, I just... I'm gonna do that while I'm on here," Bruce said.

"It's fine, Bruce. Thank you for being here," Natasha said. Just then Peter joined.

"Oh, hey guys!" he exclaimed.

"Kid, don't you have school right now?" Tony asked.

"Shoot, this is the wrong Zoom link!" Peter exclaimed and quickly left the Zoom call.

The Avengers saw Steve's mouth moving but couldn't hear him. He was muted.

"Cap, you're muted," Sam commented. Steve was now silent but he turned off his camera. "And your- and now your camera's off. I'm gonna go help Steve. I'll be right back." Sam walked out of frame.

Thor, who had been unmuted the entire time, began to speak, but not to the Avengers: to Loki.

"Yes. Yes, Loki, I'll be over to help in a minute. I'm just... I'm on a phone call."

Tony began to speak while Thor was speaking. "Thor, you're unmuted."

Meanwhile, Thor was still speaking. "-With my friends from the Avengers, the Avengers friends-"

Tony started speaking again. "Thor... I'm muting him. I'm hacking in and muting him."

"This is a disaster," Natasha commented.

"Alright, I got Cap to get his camera to work," Sam said, who was now back from helping Steve.

"Clint, are you in a vent again?" Wanda asked.

"Clearly," Clint responded.

"Which one?" Tony asked. Clint's face shifted to a different expression: straight face. Tony got up and began to bang the vent nearest him.

"Ahh, ahh, okay! Jeez! I'll move to a different vent! God, why do you gotta be so aggressive?" Clint asked.

"Bucky, you are being oddly quiet over there," Sam commented. Bucky continued to sit silently and still, just blinking his eyes. "The man has spoken!"

Steve, once again, began to speak, and, once again, he was muted.

"Cap, you're still muted... I can't, I can't deal with you all today. I can't," Tony said and got off the call.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I have to get going too. Vision said that he had dinner plans for tonight and if it's anything like the time he made paprikash, he's going to need a lot of help, so... I'll talk to you all later," Wanda said and logged off.

Just then Thor disappeared too.

"I think Thor's phone just died," Natasha said.

"Well if everyone's leaving, I'm gonna head out too. I promised my nephews I'd be there for the neighborhood party, so..." Sam said. "Bucky, don't forget to bring that Oreo cake."

Before Sam left, Clint left just as Scott joined. And then Sam and Bucky and Steve and Bruce left the call.

"Aww, did I miss it?" Scott asked.

"Hi, Scott," Natasha said.

"It's just me and you now, isn't it?" Scott asked.

"Just me and you."

"Nice. Cool."

"Scott, I'm gonna go."

"Okay, yeah. Yeah... uh... I'll go too. Yup."

And both of them logged off.

And that is how it would go if the Avengers were in a Zoom call.

630 Words

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