Seeing the Future

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"Howard, Jason, is it ready yet?" Peggy asked. Howard and Jason were working on a machine to help them with their mission. Edwin and Daniel were there too. Samberly had sat this one out.

"Almost Peg," Howard replied as he twisted some bolts. Seconds later he said, "Now I'm done." Peggy sighed.

"Mr. Jarvis, pull the lever," Peggy said to Edwin, who was standing the closest to the lever. He pulled the lever and everything went black. "Um, Howard, what happened?"

"I think the machine was too much so the power went out. Probably on the entire block," Howard replied. He went back to the machinery and began to fidget around.

"Try this," Jason pointed out so Howard tried it. The lights quickly came back on but the machine began to show an image... of Steve.

"Steve?" Peggy and Howard said questionly at the same time. The image began to move. It showed Steve walking back into Avengers Tower. They saw him wave to some people before getting in an elevator.

"Howard, what is this?" Peggy asked as she walked closer to Steve.

"I-I don't know," Howard replied as he came up next to Peggy.

They watched as Steve stepped out of the elevator and said, "Hey Pete, hey Morgan."

"Hey Uncle Steve." "Uncle Steve!" came from the teenage boy and the five year old girl. Morgan came running toward him and jumped into his arms.

"What have you two been up to?" Steve asked, putting Morgan down.

"We've been playing Candy Land, Morgan's request," Peter replied. "How was your run?"

"Good," Steve replied. Then the elevator opened once again and Tony walked in. "Hey Tony."

"Rogers, have you seen- oh, kids. Mom made lunch. Do you want some?" Tony asked as Morgan ran to him.

"That man looks remarkably like you Howard," Peggy commented.

"What's Candy Land?" Daniel asked.

"I don't know," Howard replied.

"Daddy!" Morgan exclaimed and jumped into Tony's open arms.

"Hey kiddo," Tony replied.

"What'd mom make?" Peter asked as he began to clean up Candy Land.

"Grilled cheese," Tony said. Just then a loud rumble went through the city. "It's lunch. Are you kidding me?"

"What is it Uncle Steve?" Peter asked since Steve was now looking out the window.

"It's... two robots. Terrorizing the citizens," Steve replied. "Suit up," he said as he turned around. Immediately Tony pressed his arc reactor (after putting Morgan down) and his suit formed.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., bring out Peter's suit," Tony said.

"Dad, how long until you and Uncle Bruce finish building J.A.R.V.I.S. again?" Peter asked as his Iron Spider suit came around him.

"Soon kid," Tony replied and looked at Morgan. "Morg, go to mommy." Morgan nodded and ran to the elevator.

Two minutes later Tony was flying through the air, Peter was swinging through the buildings, Steve was riding his motorcycle, and all the others were coming too.

"What's happening?" Peggy asked. "And why did they say "building Jarvis"? Are they building Mr. Jarvis?"

"Peg... this is the future," Howard said. He discovered it by looking at the technology and everything.

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