Chapter 17: Finding the Sunrise

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Johns P.O.V~

His eyes fluttered open, slowly adjusting to the light. He tried to remember where he was, and what he was doing.

Seeing the familiar lavishly decorated room in the dim light from the torches he laid in, the memories of the last few hours replayed in his mind.

He was in Arlo's bed.

Not that he was complaining. It was spacious and soft. Very comforting. Even so, Arlo had all the space in the world, but he chose to latch his hand firmly around Johns waist. He had no way to move, the blondes grip was too tight. He managed sit up and catch his breath, but only to be pulled back down into a tight back hug. He giggled. Arlo was quite clingy. The older snuggled his head into Johns nape and huffed.

"Stop moving..." He muttered. John really wanted to move, but perhaps he could stay a while.

Though the light from the provided torches was dim, it was bright enough for John to see his face when he flipped onto his other side. Arlo's eyelashes were long and full, his curly hair had dropped in front his face a bit covering his eyebrows. A small, very small, mole on his chin, it wasn't noticeable from afar, but it was clear to him now. His lips were a soft pink and curled into a pout as he let out a light huff in his sleep.

He had no faults.

He really was as beautiful as they described him as

They called him a god among men.

He holds ethereal beauty

A woman's femininity and grace, and a man's muscular frame.

It was as if he was not a man, nor woman, as if he had trancended gender all together, Arlo was simply just himself.

John couldn't help but laugh at himself for gawking over Arlo. But then again, who doesn't. Like said before, the man's a beauty. The raven decided he better not move, and chose to close his eyes and go back to sleep.


Arlo's P.O.V~

He was sleeping peacefully, dreaming of eating cinnamon rolls and drinking black tea in a field with someone special.

He was being shaken awake slowly.

"Leave me alone for the love of god," He grumbled, turning over and closing his eyes, trying to fall back asleep to finish his dream.

He was then roughly flipped onto his back.

"Excuse me what the fuck?" He snapped, only to see John looking down at him with the most unamused facial expression.

"Oh, hello John," he yawned.

The younger had already changed back into his clothing, only thing different was that he still wore the blouse he gave him some hours prior.

"Arlo, get up, I want to show you something."

He scoffed.
"I'm trying to sleep. What could be so important that you had to wake me up?"

"Something you'll like."

Arlo raised an eyebrow, now interested.

"Really. Now, do you have an entrance to reach the tower?"

"The what?"

"The tower above us Arlo, is there and entrance?"

The blonde scratched his nape.
"Oh, well yes. It's in the bathroom I've never used it. It's open though."

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