Chapter Three- Meeting the Royals

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It was quiet a journey from the main gate till the palace but ultimately the group of four reached the palace. The guards checked them for any possible danger before allowing them in. Paul guided them through the long corridors and passages. Harry did get a lot of stares and strange looks because of his veil but he tried to ignore it as much as possible walking with Marcel by his side.

Reaching near the main hall gate they met Liam who was walking around in circles not in a calm manner.

As soon as he saw Harry he ran and engulfed him in a hug, "Are you fine?"

"All good. Why? Did something happen ?"

"We were informed that uncle Chris created some trouble back in the Market alley. We were so worried that he might have crossed path with you..."

The way Harry looked down trying to avoid Liam's eyes showed that he was not very far from the truth,

"No way you really-"

"My Lord, we could talk about this in some private place. Let's meet his Majesty for now.."

Paul interrupted him as he indicated towards all the maids and soldiers around the place who were not very trust worthy. Liam nodded as he moved to enter through the gate but stopped as Harry took his hand out of Liam's hold making him look back in confusion.

"I think it would be better if we make things less difficult for us."

Harry said in a small voice not intending to hurt him,

And Liam did understand perfectly what harry meant yet it still hurt .. a lot to be honest but they knew since the moment they decided to come here that it was not going to be easy. With small nod he entered inside followed by Harry, Marcel, Gemma and Paul.

Inside was just as beautiful as the palace. A big chandelier hanging from the ceiling, brown-golden curtains around the big round pillars holding the whole structure up. Some framed pictures on the walls maybe of their ancestor or relatives. In front was a huge throne on which sat the King of Doncaster; Lou's dad in his all mighty, a few stairs down from him was the seat for the Queen and Prince where Harry saw Lou's mum for the first time and damn she was gorgeous.

Niall and Zayn were standing beside each other while Louis was on his knees talking to the toddlers supposedly his baby sisters while Lottie was beside her mother talking to her with a smile on her face.

The four got down on their knees as they bowed down to the King. Louis and Lottie immediately wanted to come near their mates with a worried look but stopped when the King got up from his throne.

"Greetings your majesty, I fulfilled your wish by bringing the Prince of Doncaster and his mates back." Paul said while bowing his head down in respect.

"And who might they be ..?" The King asked Paul looking at the three new faces behind him with a kind smile on his bread covered face.

"I believe you already know one of them father .." Lottie said with an excited look on her face. The King furrowed his eyebrows and took a quick glance on the group of strangers in front of them. Suddenly a bright smile appeared on his face as he approached one of them,

"Ohh my my, isn't it the headboy of Doncaster's university. But why do you look to strange since the last time I saw you. Is everything alright my boy? Did you lose weight ?"

Marcel went behind Harry in fear seeing the King approaching him. Harry smiled at King's confused face as he said,

"Your mistaken my Lord, I am Harry Styles. The one you met in Doncaster city ."

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