Chapter 16- A mistake

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The party was very normal to say. Nobody was drunk out of their mind, no loud music or cheering, it was more of a gathering with drinks rather than a party. People were just greeting each other and sharing their happiness with each other. And most importantly eating.

There was a lot of delicious food that seemed never ending, upon that what made it more precious was that everyone present there had brought something home cooked. Just like the cookies the old lady baked. It was so heartwarming to see such joy and happiness on everyone's face as they chatted with each other. Harry was honestly glad he choose to come here. Even his alphas were enjoying themselves right now.

Somewhere in the middle they had moved to the alpha section of the party were all the build alphas would challenge each other in some games or dares to see who would win. Maybe it had something to do with the dominant alpha nature, don't ask Harry.

While they were busy with their challenges Harry was surrounded by the womens of the town who were more than happy to involve him in their gossip. While they were careful not to talk about the royal family too much knowing Harry was somewhat close to them still once and twice, they slipped due to their partial drunk mind. Harry could honestly go on to live his life perfectly without knowing how manly and attractive his alphas seemed to the ladies here.

But ya, getting to know how much respect and love these people had for his alphas was something that really warmed his heart. All the people here really treasure them. Marcel who was sitting beside him was fast asleep on his lap mumbling once a while making everyone around them coo.

"If you don't mind me asking... what's your relationship with him?" One of the ladies asked hesitantly pointing at Marcel.

Throughout the night they were very careful not to talk about who Harry was or what he was doing here in Doncaster. They tried to avoid talking about him at all. The way he covered his face in crowd was more than obvious that he is not comfortable with sharing his life or past with anyone but that doesn't mean they were not curious. After all he had saved them from such terrible fate they were living in. They didn't even know if he was a wolf or a witch?!

"Marcel is my brother. And no, not blood related but more like soul brother."

"He is not your mate?!" One of them said out loud in surprise. With how comfortable and calm the omega was around the boy they all suspected that wolf or not this boy was his mate. After all an omega only completely relaxed around their mate. The old lady who was also sitting with them was trying so hard to hold her laughter back. This boy is the mate of their beloved prince but they have no idea. Ohh how great it is to know secrets. She almost felt special.

"No, I'm not his mate..." Harry didn't explain further cause that would mean revealing too much.

People were quick to catch on that and didn't question him further. But they were kinda disappointed, Marcel was so beautiful and having such a strong and caring mate like Harry would make them such a wonderful couple. Even if Harry was not a wolf he would be a perfect mate than most alphas out there. Sadly their ship sank without even entering the water.

The night continued peacefully until Harry heard a panicked cry coming from the far away alley behind him. He looked around but no one else seemed to have heard it, even his alphas had not noticed anything but that's normal. Harry hearing capability was more defined than any other wolf out there. He could hear even those things that a wolf ear can't pick up.

He excused himself from the group with the washroom excuse as he hurried in the direction of the cry. As he neared the place the cry got louder and louder, he started running as soon as he got the whiff of the scent of the person who was distressed.

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